Favorite Easter Candy

by Big Dog 43 Replies latest social humour

  • Valis

    lonelysheep...w00t! I love those!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    And then there are the white chocolate Reeses, just sinful.

  • ohiocowboy

    Sounds gross, but I love the candy hide-n-seek eggs. They look like really big jellybeans, and they are filled with a rich, stale type marshmallow filling. They are very sweet, and most people I know don't like them. Leaves more for me...

    Click to enlarge

  • purplesofa

    I Loooooooooooove Gheradelli Chocolate.......Last year I went to San Francisco and went to the factory/shop............OMG the smell.........worth every effort to walk up the hill to get there.

    But they had ..........Like toll house chocolates but bigger in size.........I wish I had one now.......so good!!!!! Has anyone ever been there? I imagine now they would have tons of stuff to pick from!


  • Preston

    Ugh... I can't eat anything that looks like a bunny. Love those little guys....


    - Preston

  • Shania

    BD are you my long lost brother? I love those Cadbury eggs and the mini eggs with the hard shell and talk about white chocolate that is my favorite..................we are having worldly inlaws over for Easter dinner and I bought a chocolate bunny for everyones plate and jelly belly jelly bean. This is a first for me but I must admit I'm looking forward to it.

  • kls

    I can eat a whole bag of SPICED JELLY BEANS,,,,,,,,,,them is my favorite.

  • talesin

    kls .... you just reminded me of something when you said 'spiced'

    Cinnamon Hearts

    I mean, they could never replace Cadbury's Creme Eggs, but at least it will give me a 'new' Easter Candy that I love.

    Hey, BD, how were my ,,,,errmm the eggs? You know the best way to eat them? First, gently bite off the top. Then, lick the creme filling till you can see yolk. Two more bites left. Slowly savoring as the chocolate and cream melts in your mouth. ahhhhhhhh!!!

    Was it good for you?


  • Shania

    Hey the best way to eat your cadbury egg is bite, suck and lick till it is all gone..........ummmmmmm I love it give me more....................yummy!

  • Mac
    Hey the best way to eat your cadbury egg is bite, suck and lick till it is all gone..........ummmmmmm I love it give me more....................yummy!

    Yes.......I practiced this technique on cadbury eggs till I got it right and then applied it to... well, various other candies. mac

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