Yes the world wide church of God has changed and revised its Doctrines since the death of former founder and leader Herbert W. Armstrong. Sorry but its hard to remember every element of every cult. Apparently now it has shed its cultic begginings and embraced orthodox christianity. A full fledged apology was issued to all members after the death of H. Armstrong for the misuse and misguidance caused by its original doctrines.
Here is the quoted information about this from the Apologetics index. "Throughout most of its history, the Worldwide Church of God - founded and led by Herbert W. Armstrong - was, theologically, a cult of Christianity. Among other things, it rejected the doctrine of the Trinity, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and salvation by grace through faith alone.
Sociologically, the movement had many the characteristics of cults from a sociological perspective', CAPTION, 'Additional Information', SNAPX, '15', STICKY, TIMEOUT, '6000');" onmouseout="return nd();">cultic elements as well.
However, starting in the mid 1980's under Joseph Tkach Sr, and later his son, Joseph Tkach Jr. - the church's current leader - the Worldwide Church of God has undergone major changes in doctrine to the extend that is has rejected its heretical teachings, and instead has embraced orthodox Christianity. " Thanks for pointing that out to me Adelmaal. Ticker