If it makes you feel any better, the steroid shots really made the difference with our son. Thanks to them when he was born his lungs were fine...no ventilator...no nothing....he was just tiny and needed to grow and believe me he has no problems there now....as you can see below...
Keep your spirits up and let us know if we can do ANYTHING !!
I hope all is well with your wife and baby. My thoughts and prayers are for a healthy and safe time now, up to and through delivery for both of them. May you have the love and strength to be supportive and understanding as she goes through this. Of course we are here to be supportive to you. Keep us informed.
If your wife ends up with a c-section....things will be fine. I had to have one when I had my only child. I was very small, but he had a huge head! Nevertheless, c-section babies are usually more beautifully formed because they don't go thru the trauma of the birth canal. Their heads look perfect! (I think you and others know what I am talking about!).
Yes. They took me off work when I had low amniotic fluid and they told me to do nothing but lay on my side and drink lots of fluids. She's lucky to have you. I was a single mom at the time with a 3 year old to care for. It was a challenge but well worth doing whatever needs to be done to keep your little one safe.
My close friend's son was a preemie. He was born at 25 weeks - yikes! No steroid shots nothing... He was in the hospital for a time but he is also perfectly healthy.