My new puppy was born last week--that makes me very happy! (If I could use smilies, there would be lots of them...)
Name little things that make you happy
by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends
First and children make me the happiest. Hearing their giggles, watching them grow and accomplish things in life. Their smiles and their unconditional love for me.
Spending time w/my seester (eyegirl)...were we can laugh, cry, and dream together. I have never had anyone in my life as close as she is.
Feeling a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Having peace and serenity in my life...having direction. Knowing that I am loved and respected by friends and family and that they accept me for who I am.
My little thing makes me happy !
- Stepping right outside the door to barbecue something.
- Hearing my family laugh.
- Talking to little Sage*; he likes to string words together to see what kind of story or new invention will come out of it. Last week he told me about "clockwise tape." You can assemble wooden hats with it and you find it in the woods.
- A good science fiction story. This week's discovery: Fat White Vampire Blues.
- Sugar-free chocolate is getting mighty tasty these days.
- Those "in my pants" threads here at JWD.
- Rain on a leak-free roof.
- Moss quietly growing.
- Coining a phrase.
- Many kinds of ethnic music.
- A day off from work.
gently feral
*My son's girlfriend's little boy. They all live with the baby daddy, who's a good friend of my son's. So does that mean Sage is my common-law step-grandson?
Having kitties for lunch ,rat teeth for toothpicks and a rat in a trap,,,,,,,,,,,,,that would make me happy and full,,,,,,burp
1. My son smiling at me
2.Sex & masturbating
5.Listening to great music
6.Great company
7. A drive through the country side
8. A clean house
Receiving flowers from my boyfriend (such as he did today) -- even though they were carnations from the super market -- they mean so much!
Life after JWdumb.
My kids....I'm a sappy dad........
Opening the windows after a LONG winter...... wife among them !
Living in a College Town when warm weather hits.....good bye bulky jackets....heheheeee
Planning our first ever trip to Walt Disney World !!! (although thats not so little)
WOW.....becoming a MASTER without even knowing it was coming LOL