So why are you all still up

by kls 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Yeah, I have Poverty-Vision, too.

    All that's on this late is chat line/infomercials.

    kls, no wonder I've lost it! But dawn will soon break, and I'll catch some zzzzzs.

  • prophecor

    So who's on the radar screen now.

    Looking for signs of life.

    In the proverbial words of Pink Floyd.....Is there anybody out there???

  • rwagoner
  • under74

    I'm here...til I get sleepy enough.

  • candidlynuts

    i spent my night watching news coverage of a woman in a persistent vegatative state dying.

    hows that for excitement? ( really, thats just boring tv by anyones standards! no offense to the dying woman or her family)

    still up..may go to bed soon or when the sun comes up.. i have no life.i can sleep whenever..

  • under74

    Don't think of it that way candidly, from where I stand I'd say you're livin' the good life. Go to bed whenever, get up whenever--do you live with some guy that looks like Benicio Del Torro too? You're living my dream.

  • larc

    I am up because I am retired and can stay up as long as I want, and then sleep as long as I want. Sometimes I sleep for 12 or more hours. Some days, I don't sleep at all, and I love it.

  • JH

    Rats go to bed early, and wake up very early.

  • under74

    Geez.....larc lives the dream too...

    What am I doing wrong?

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