Relationship/Life Pressure

by JW83 13 Replies latest social relationships

  • mtbatoon

    I take great pleasure telling my mother how happy my marriage is after living with my then partner for 9 years before and having two children out of wedlock. Especially when she tells me of another JW divorce.

  • AlmostAtheist

    When we were dubs, it got pounded into our heads regularly that we represented Jehovah, we mustn't bring reproach on Jehovah's name, mustn't disgrace his organization or people.

    Now we only represent ourselves. What you see is what you get. If you don't like me, move on.

    Don't live your life to try to prove to anyone else what they should do. Live your life for YOU, enjoy it, love it. Take that attitude, and chances are very good you'll be the happy person you want to be anyway. But don't do it for them, do it for you.


  • MerryMagdalene

    ...oh, and about the perfection pressure----I've felt that my whole life----but it's beginning to rear it's ugly head less and less all the time.

    I keep reminding myself "perfection is not an option" because the kind of perfection that exists in my mind can't exist in the real's a delusion. All that truly exists is "good enough." Wherever and however you you are right now, whenever you are doing your personal best (and our personal best fluctuates a lot!) that is good enough.

    And it helps if you get bitten by the unconditional love bug because unconditional love is contagious and changes everything.


  • love11

    Those people aren't happy, that's fool's gold at that kingdom hall!

    The only thing I live up to nowadays are my standards!!! I may not wake up everyday on the right side of the bed, or have my hair perfectly tame, or be the mother of the year, or have a stick up ... well, you know...BUT I'm being the best me I can be- by not raising a new generation into a cult. And I feel pretty d**n good about that!

    Those people will look down their nose at you no matter how good you are doing, so live the life you want and dream of and don't worry about living up to their version of what a "good life" is supposed to be like.

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