Help! Is The Memorial Tonight??

by redskymedic 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • redskymedic

    Help! You'd think I'd know, but is the memorial tonight? My son (he's 12) usually goes with my JW mom on the weekend, but she asked to get him today since he's out of school on Easter Break. Grr, I am thinking now she's doing this for the memorial. I was thinking it was next week, but I guess I am wrong. Someone please set me straight! (even thought it may result in the strangling of my mother)


  • iiz2cool

    Yes, the memorial? is tonight.


  • HappyDad

    Yes Red,

    The memorial is tonight and your mother is pulling a fast one. If you let your son go, let him go visit her with the worst ripped up clothes you can find.


  • RunningMan

    She's a wily one, all right.

    This will be my first year of intentionally missing the memorial. We're going to stay home and have wine with thin-crust pizza.

  • xjw_b12

    Tell her she can pick him up tomorrow. You have some chores you want him to do around the house first, and of course he has to have that school project/homework finished.

    And when your mom comes to pick him up on Friday, be sure he has some extra Easter chocolate to share with Gramma.

  • iiz2cool

    Tell your son to partake? of the emblems? just to piss them off. Then file a complaint with the police that they're giving your minor son alcohol.


  • NeonMadman
    Tell your son to partake? of the emblems? just to piss them off. Then file a complaint with the police that they're giving your minor son alcohol.

    Now THAT's funny!

  • Mary
    And when your mom comes to pick him up on Friday, be sure he has some extra Easter chocolate to share with Gramma.

    Heh-heh-heh.......yeah, a extra large easter egg from Laura Secord.....Mmmmmmm.......those things are sooooooo yummy. You should also pack some hot-CROSSED buns with your son tomorrow, along with a copy of The Passion of the Christ wrapped up for her with a Happy Easter card attached.

  • JustTickledPink

    Why not say that you have been invited to a friend's house for dinner and you will drop him off at her house around 9pm. That way you are playing her game on your terms.

  • redskymedic

    UGH, I am working until tomorrow morning, so there is a childcare issue involved as well. Personally, I like the idea of having him drink the wine and then calling the police. I talked to him about it, told him I wasn't happy about letting him go. He sees is as just another hour to suffer through boredom. Funny, that's pretty much how I viewed the whole event at 12 yrs old, too. Oh well, I am more bent out of shape at my mom for pulling a fast one than anything else. Time to give her an earbeating again. Seems to be my new past time.


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