Regardless for how one feels about the situation surrounding Terri Schiavo, this will be a landmark case in American history, politically, religiously, as well as within the medical profession. To put this woman to death in the manner for which is being done, is inhumane and ungodly.
Criminals on death row are afforded a more deserving death than she has been given. There is a rumbling within society that is the result of a seperating of the nation, within the medical field, within our judicial court system, amidst the lives of our politcal leaders, and amongst ourselves.
The judges who have denied this woman the right to live will have thier own political futures to hang in the balance. Lifetime appointments of high court judges are going to become a thing of the past, on the back of Mrs. Schiavo. She will come to be the sacrificial lamb that stirs up a political hotbed of issues regarding the questionable wisdom of their past choices. America will begin a resounding drumbeat for change, within the judicial system, within the medical profession, and it all starts here.
Whether you believe she needs to be put to death on account of the fact that her quality of life is wanting, or that every available option needs to be exhausted because of the sanctity of life, her sacrifice will go deeper within the human community to rip apart every old idea, thought and position we once had regarding death, dying, how and who we pick and choose who is to assume power over our lives, when it is we have no power to answer for ourselves.
The conscience of America that has been pierced from this destructive energy, will produce a voice which will not be able to be ignored any longer. To put someone to death in the manner for which she is suffering under, they would have done better to at least kill her with the kindness of a lethal injection, even a bullet to the brain would have afforded her more justice, but because of the cowardly courts, and the cowards who don't wish to face the reality of an uncomfortable life, because we refuse to be reminded that one day, we could wind up in the same condition, having the same fate, and so we wish for Mrs. Schiavo to just disappear. We would rather not be reminded of what might one day be us.