I can sympathise with Funky's frustration about the quality of creationist argumentation.
Every single argument presented by creationists in this thread would not have been presented by them if they had had the common courtesy to go read up on the subject beforehand.
I suppose people could smile sweetly and nod. But if I said that Americans eat babies, people would correct my rank and idiotic misconception. Apparently equivalently erroneous statments about evolution should stand undisputed.
It is all there; the muddled and wrong statements about thermodynamics, the statements parroted on trust that there are huge gaps in the fossil record.
Quite frankly what I see is a white collar bias.
Imagine someone who's knowledge of carpentry consisted of thirty minutes reading a magazine article whilst waiting for a dental check-up, and half a dozen web sites put together by people who themselves were considered unemployable by most carpenters. Imagine them telling ALL the cabinet makers in the world that they had it wrong.
Most people would consider them to be an arrogant no-nothing schmuck.
EVERYBODY respects the blue-collar worker.
You change carpentry to evolutionary biology and suddeny the years of work by the white collar academics are held on an equal level with the statements by people who haven't studied the subject. Anyone who points out they have selected a non-optimal orifice for communication is a bad person.
Yeah, right, okay.
I know why they had such problems with the Space Shuttle. A lack of postal employees working on the design...
Anyway, as usual it isn't a proper discussion about whether some higher power directed evolution or set it going. It's a sectarian 'Christians are right and everyone else is ignorant' discussion.
Yet despite this arrogance it's the evolutionists who get told off.
Yeah, right, okay...
1/ Irreducible complexity - the knee, the eye, the bombadier beetle etc.. There are many example
2/ Most complex organisms have longest lifespans (should be least evolved)
Wonderful; over evolutionary time-scales this is a meaningless argument.
3/ Fossil record is complete in time slices - there are huge gaps in the record and no links between the layers.
Any understanding of fossilisation would stop someone making this statement. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/quotes/mine/part1-3.html
4/ Thermodynamics suggestes order must degrade into disorder - life works exactly opposite to that law.
Any understanding of thermodynamics would stop someone making this statement. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/thermo.html
5/ Evolution requires extreme environmental pressure to work and the world just isn't pressured enough (IE everything is in absolute harmony right now so evoltion should slow down and almost stop - most of the earths history has been calm and normal - that's why they have to point to asteroids etc to wipe out large numbers of species.)
This is a statement, an assertion, an opinion. Any claim that evolution has stopped because 'everything is in absolute harmony right now so evoltion should slow down and almost stop' is pretty obviously whacky. The argument fails to consider advantage of one organism over another in a stable environment.
6/ Mutation is never beneficial - can anyone think of a beneficial human mutation in the last 2000 years of recorded history? Nature has had trillions of chances to evolve a better human in the last 2000 years.
I don't now about the last 2,000 years, but there have been several beneficial human mutations. Latose tolerance, thalacymia, sickle cell trait; those are off the top of my head. Lactose tolerance is so beneficial most Euopeans have it.
7/ The simplest cell is way too complex to be random - evolution cannot start life its like trying to shake a jigsaw puzzle into place inside its box - theoretically a sound idea until you realise the jigsaw is too big for the box. Th esimplest cell is more complex than a car and you'd never be able to shake together bits of oil , metal and pink fluffy dice together and ever get a car out of it - hang on maybe you could get a trabant hehe
I cannot believe anyone is still using this argument http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/abioprob.html
Please people, can we have a serious discussion about creationism? Not a sectarian one hijacked by a small group of people trying to prove their brand of religious belief, or one invoking arguments that are disprovable with a few minutes of effort? But one where we actuially think out of the freaking box for a change?