....to get in tune with what happened to Christ during the last week of his life? I never did.
Did Anyone Here Read The Chapters Every Day Before The Memorial?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
I did one day many years ago. After reading a few verses I said to myself: "Self, this is really dumb." Never did it again.
I never even read the daily text!
Yes, I did. I remember the first Memorial I ever went to, I actually cried during the prayer, which was loooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggg........of course, I was an impressionable young woman at the time.......only 14 and very sheltered. Oh how times have changed! LOL!
Yeah, I did.
I used to read them from the NWT every year before I went to the memorial, before I quit.
Sometimes. But I found it really boring because I already knew what it said. So I read them as fast as I could, just so I could say I'd read it without lying. I rarely read the daily text.
Doubtfully Yours
I haven't done that in the last 2 years. I think I'll read that same old stuff only once every 5 years, that's of course if I'm forced to stay that long. I doubt it.
YEAH..........We know what it was gonna say.
Yes, I did. But instead of focusing on Christ's death the talk went on about the remnant and why they were the only ones who got to eat or drink anything and why the rest of us should keep our lips off of the sacraments and how the FDS were the only ones to be doing Jah's will and please attend more often and not just once a year because the end is close yada... yada... yada ad nauseum.
I got more out of the Bible reading than the Memorial, which is why I eventually quit going long before I DAed.