I think, eventually, he will stop getting invited to these things.
Prince...getting worse...sigh....
by DebraDoll 21 Replies latest jw friends
My wife's boss went to a recent Prince concert and Prince handed him a Watchtower!
My wife's boss went to a recent Prince concert and Prince handed him a Watchtower!
LOL -- Think of his monthly field service record........how many do some of those stadiums hold ? LOL
Come on Folks, Lighten up.
The WTS needed to promote a new poster child because Wacko Jacko has been showing too much 'Fruit of the WT Spirit' lately.
I'll bet all the jws who go to kh with him just brag and brag about knowing him, contrary of course to the idealism of remaining FREE FROM POPULARITY AND THE WORLD! ICK-now I just heard that awful song in my head about "BAD ASSOCIATIONS!" DAMN-GAG!
Hmmmmm, the 'Prince' of peace has arrived!
Golf -
Gumby I think your fingers are getting gummy:
Perhaps Price will see he'll never be considered a witness by any congregation until he starts living like and looking like a dub and oneday tell them to kiss his arse. I can't imagine remaining in a group who frown on you and never make you feel one of them as the dubs would do. What do they call him when he comments at the watchtower study.....'.brother artist'
Gumby......formerly known as playdough
Either that or you've got your own idol Price, the subject is PriNce Gumby now follow along, sheese!
Kate (of the who's Price class)
It's so weird him being a witness. It's like thinking Madonna being in the "Troof"
Robert K Stock
I never cared for Prince until I started to hear his music in strip clubs. Now I think he is a genius.
Hopefully he will see through the Jehovah's Witness nonsense.
Hey, anyone notice that the two biggest idiots that were ever named Dubs are Prince & Michael? Their actions were clearly prophecied in the book of Daniel:
"And during that time Michael will show up in court with his jammy-jams on and with his mummified face looking like it's ready to cave in. The great Prince will stand up in front of you people and distribute magazines----DANIEL 12:1.