Dearest Philo... may you have peace!
Dear one... there was no 'door-to-door' preaching... NOR 'house-to-house'. Permit me to explain:
When my Lord sent his disciples out, they were initially told not to take anything to sustain them with. Why? Because it was a LAW among the Israelites to receive people into their homes hospitably. Remember Abraham's reaction when my Father and His angels visited them? Broke out THE banquet. Part of that 'hospitality' was the washing of the guest's feet, as a 'refreshment'.
Those that were sent out by my Lord did not go door-to-door, for they were sent to SPECIFIC people. Always have been; always will be. Just as Peter said to Cornelius that his prayers had been heard, my Lord sent his disciples to those whose cry my Father, and by default (holy spirit) my Lord... heard. Those were the ones 'deserving', because their 'sighing and groaning' is what resulted in them being 'marked'.
Now, this started first with the nation of Israel, which included the Jews... and the Samaritans. For some of these, however, the Pharisees, scribes and priests had instilled such a FEAR, that when the disciples arrived, in answer to their prayers, they were NOT 'received hospitably'... and in some cases, not at all. As a result, eventually, the disciples were told to take provisions. Ultimately, when the 'dragnet' going through Judea was pretty much completed, my Lord looked upon Jerusalem and said: "How much I wanted to 'gather' you, as a hen does her chicks... but you... did not 'want' it. Look! Your house is abandoned... to YOU!"
After THAT point, the 'call' went out to ANY among the nations who would heed it. This is where PAUL came in. The 12... were Apostles to Israel... Paul, however, was an Apostle... to the nations. Thus, he journeyed all over telling people about my Lord and promised holy spirit. He did this in people's HOUSES. Thus, he(?) said, "I did not hold back from teaching you... publicly... AND 'from house to house', which meant "I held nothing back from you, whether I spoke it to a group in the market place, Areopagus or a synagogue (all public places and many non-Jews were in attendance at the temple and synagogues - thus, the Courtyard "of the nations")... or came into your own home."
There was no structured field service and return call record system. There were no 'householders'. They spoke to ALL... and received ANY who 'heard'. Just as I and others may do here. By virtue of your computer screen, those of us here from the Household of God, Israel, have come into your home (which is why I always try to wish PEACE upon the recipient), office, etc., to herald a message of GOOD news... one of LIFE... and not the 'bad' news of judging, condemnation... and death.
Many have been misled to completely misunderstand this 'work'... and its format... by 'religion' and 'religious scholars' in general, and by the WTBTS in particular. But you don't have to continuing being so.
I bid you peace,
A slave of Christ and a TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel,