Good list, Gary. It is so amazing when you start picking out the terminology the WTS uses to beat people over the head. And they don't see it and some even like it.
by blondie 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good list, Gary. It is so amazing when you start picking out the terminology the WTS uses to beat people over the head. And they don't see it and some even like it.
Just seemed to me to be an exercise in psychology like .
" Walk tall, walk straight and look the world right in the eye", or "Say it loud, I am black and proud" "I am woman " or " Nobody likes us and we dont care" ( that one is attributed to fans of Millwall Football Club here in the UK)
Simply saying that if a dub is feeling low, starting to question beliefs - no need to investigate and prove the teachings from a range of sources, No, just stand up, walk tall, dispel the thought and be proud of your Christian identity. A feeling based on emotion rather than reasoning .
I don't think it's a coincidence that in this WT
they are finaly stressing their "Christianity."
After all Blondie, you hammer them regularly on it!
One thing Jesus did which I have yet to see
WTS do, is stress individual thought.
Jesus regularly asked people,
"What do you think...?"
Matthew 17:25, 18:12, 21:28, 22:42
He encouraged independant thought
and speculation. The WTS discourages it!
Nice work, Blondie,
And I love the flight of fancy we find in the seventeenth paragraph, which purports to show ``rich spirtual heritage" extending back in time some 60 centuries to Abel. What about the 1800-year gap from the days of the apostles to CT Russell?
Blondie writes:
Scully, thanks for reading that and discovering that the WTS never changes its spots.Once again, we see the WTS's incredible aptitude for twisting the author's words into an out-of-context support for their agenda. Look at the snippets they quote, highlighted in red, then notice the tone that the article creates about the term apathist, with yellow highlight. It's really not a bad thing, the way the WTS would have its readers believe. Rather, it is a choice to respect, celebrate and exercise tolerance toward others' religious beliefs and practices.No wonder they are afraid to make an attribution. They always cite the Book, Chapter, Verse of every scripture.
I wonder how the author would respond to a copy of the WT article that "quotes" him out of context.
And what kind of "Christians" would celebrate the death of their Lord and Savior on the wrong day? Take a look at Nisan 15 (Passover) starts on April 23, 2005. If they spent more time researching and less time condemning annd lying maybe they'd get it right.
I had the privilege(if you can call it that) of being at the hall for this study.
This article is WT propaganda at it's best....and all the good little dubbies ate it up.
The first part of the article makes a clear distinction between JWs and the rest of the world. The ole "us vs. them" syndrome. Then it makes the case for being "proud" of being a JW.
But by paragraph 7 attention is given to some who might question or doubt. Instead of squashing the dissenters as unloyal, the WTS slyly allows room for some doubt. However, it's not doubt about the WTS but about yourself. "Self-doubt" and "self-examination", as they put it. They even give the impression that study and research is vital to prove to oneself the "truth". But it's never about them being examined, it's about you examining yourself and questioning why you haven't towed the line so to speak.
7 Is a degree of careful self-examination entirely inappropriate? No. You may recall that the apostle Paul encouraged Christians to keep examining themselves: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are." (2 Corinthians 13:5) The apostle was here promoting a wholesome endeavor to spot any spiritual weaknesses that may have developed, with the objective of taking the necessary steps to rectify them. A Christian, in testing whether he is in the faith, must determine whether his words and deeds harmonize with his profession of faith. However, if misdirected, self-examination that prompts us to look for our "identity" or to search for answers outside our relationship with Jehovah or the Christian congregation will prove to be pointless and can be spiritually fatal* Never would we want to 'experience shipwreck concerning our faith'!?1 Timothy 1:19.
This one paragraph shows the conniving minds of the WTS writers in trying to decieve their followers to not look outside the WTS publications or teachings.
This one paragraph pissed me off so much that I pretty much lost interest in following along with the rest of the study. Instead I focused on just the comments from the friends. There sure were some brain washed people there. Of course there were the "read along answer" types who pretty much just read the answer as it was written, but several in attendance bought into the program hook, line and sinker. They got it, they actually understood what was being written....and proudly gave their answers right in line with the thinking of the article.
Actually some of them went off on a tangent and the conductor followed right along so there were several comments about "worldly people" spending so much time "trying to find themselves" while JWs don't have to because "we've always known who we are and were we're going".
The article did it's job at the hall I attended, they sucked it up and all felt good about themselves afterwards. I felt sick and needed a drink.