Scholar pretendus:
You have not yet provided a chronology of the OT and nor have you provided a chronology of the Divided Monarchy except by claiming that the Watchtower's is acceptable, which is a meaningless statement. Your so called Neo-Babylonian is in fact for all practical purposes useless.
Thiele's chronology is complete a workable framework completely suitable for Christians and those loyal to God's Word.
As for your claim about Watchtower chronology:
: There are no pieces of scriptural data that conflict with it. Put your claim to the test and provide a list of texts that conflict with it.
I already did that is this very thread, the last time you made this claim, you idiot: in posts dated 31-Mar-05 20:34 and 02-Apr-05 22:50. You failed to comment on anything in the first, even though you claimed you would, and made comments on the latter that various posters have thoroughly disproved. And of course, you're very well aware that the Society's own comment in the Paradise Restored book proves that your claims about Zechariah 7:1-6 are wrong.
: I have already provided a tentative list of the Reigns of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty as described in WT literature.
No, you have not. You're a pathological liar. The only way for you to get out of this lie is post a link to the thread and to the specific post where you did. And don't insult readers by claiming that a simple, general comment amounts to a list.
A proper list would be of the form:
King Length of Reign B.C. Dates
Nabopolassar 21 years 625-605
Nebuchadnezzar 43 years 604-562
Awel-Marduk 2 years 526-560
Neriglissar 4 years 560-556
Labashi-Marduk 3 months 556
Nabonidus 17 years 556-539
Now will you look at that! I've already provided a framework for you. All you have to do is type in your own numbers!
Of course, we all know that you'll find some excuse to avoid doing that, and avoid posting a link to where your above claim can be verified. And once again you'll have confirmed that you're a cult-minded liar.