You choose to ignore the stark reality that the seventy years is subject to much dispute amongst scholars
I have not ignored anything. Whether scholars dispute anything is not relevant to my interpretation as it is taken directly from the bible. The fact that my model co-incides with the findings of many scholars attests to its accuracy, and did not require any collusion or juggling of facts. To say that my model is wrong simply because scholars debate the issue, would also say that the Society's is also wrong.
and although your interpretation which coincides with the Jonsson hypothesis is claimed by you to be 'biblical', it simply an interpretation.
So is the 'Society hypothesis'
The date of 609 for the beginning of the seventy years is utterly crazy and stupid because the seventy years was commensurate with desolation and devastation of the land which only occurred when Jerusalem fell in 607.
"Utterly crazy and stupid"?? Not a very scholarly approach to debating a proposed thought.
Where does the bible say, without any possible alternative interpretation, that Jerusalem was completely desolate for 70 years?
To say that 70 plus 539 equals 609 is utterly meaningless and has nothing at all to do with the seventy years of desolation, exile and servitude from the fall in 607 to the return in 537.
"'And it must occur that when seventy years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation"
The period of vassalage is misunderstood by scholars and other critics and is based upon a false understanding of Daniel 1:1 and Jeremiah 25:1 which demonstrates that the history of this period is understood accurately.
I have provided the simple correct explanation of the supposed conflict, which simply lies in Daniel's use of the accession year system and therefore the years he states are one less. There is no significance in the bible given to Jehoiakim becoming a vassal to Nebuchadnezzar insofar as the beginning of any period.
The chronology produced by WT scholars is in full accord with the biblical facts
Jeremiah 25:12, Daniel 5:26-31
and the historical and secular evidence as it elevates the Bible over the perverse theories of poxataes and critics.
poxataes? Anyway... the 'Society hypothesis' does not agree with the dating of any "historical and secular evidence" prior to and including the first year of Evil-Merodach.
If your methodology is so sound then how is then that these same scholars which do not support WT views are unable to agree on a consistent system of dating.
Many scholars choose not to base their dating on the bible as I have done, and arrive at different dates for some events. Also some secular authorities driven by pride may arrive at different dates simply to have something published.
You cannot blame the biblical data because you have already produced a personal chronology in close agreement with ours regarding the Divided Monarchy
It's not about 'blame'. My data for the divided kingdom is based solely on the bible, and fits secular chronology very well. I am not responsible for whether or not secular authorities choose to use the bible as their source, and I do not have to defend their choices.