Yes, I made my own emblems except for the wine I got it out at the licker store, it was some good red wine we both drank it all during our little service, nothing added red wine, which is hard to find now days but I feel Jesus understands, the witness's make big stink about it. You know the bread is not half bad, we ate it all up like my wife said during the ceremony the apostles were eating supper so why would only eat a litter bit I am sure they were hungery spo they would not just eat a measly little piece like they do at the witness meetinngs. I just put some flour in a bowl and added some water and whipped it up and dubbed it on a pizza pan and cooked it till it was rubbery to the touch of course I used some "Pam" on the pizza pan first becase I did not have olive oil like they used. All and all it was a good thing, because now I know what I have been missing for fifty years all because of the fear instilled by the witness's that if I ate of it I may get a curse or some nasty thing on me. but now I feel like I am doing the right thing, and I will not stop it has opened up a new sense of spiritual awareness and faith in Jesus and what he has done for me and the whole family of man, I guess that is why he commanded for his followers to do this ceremony, and keep it up. Shane
I made my own emblems and got my own wine...
by PinTail 11 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Shane!
What did you do (or read) along with taking the emblems? I wonder if this could be considered "communion" as understood in mainstream churches?
I always felt awkward using that term "emblems" because I never really mentally connected them with the common word that emblems stand for or represent. Then again---we're dealing with the WTS which ALWAYS must be different to the point od absurdity.
Hi Annie what a nice name, well your right about using the word emblems that is a term the witness use, and I want to get away from their dogma cause that is what most all of it seems to be is "Dogma".
I felt a warmth in my home after my communion, and I whish to feel it again I don't know if I should do it more often or not, I guess I will send a e-mail to the Bible Students" cause they are ones who helped me break away from the foolishness of the witness's / society / publishing company...
Personally I like the old way that the witness's worshiped as outlined by the Bible Students" they don't make a big deal of things that should properly be a conscious matter.
Shane what a wonderful thing you did. I can well imagine how you must have felt, that warmth of the occaision with in your home, it must have permeated your home and hearts well.
I think that I will do that next Easter. As to your thoughts as to how often one shout celebrate the passover, or last supper it would seem only logical to me that the passover was celebrated once a year by the Jewish nation and then Christ called it his last supper as that was the last time he would be here on earth. I mean that is only my thought on the matter. And also why not celebrate it at home. The Jews celebrated at their homes with the wine and unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They didn't attend the synogage to have this meal. It was privately in their own homes.
So I would think the Jesus Christ would feel comfortable with you doing this at home. Otherwise you wouldn't have felt the warmth of His presence and that of the holy spirit.
I am going to do it myself for sure now the more I think about it.
May the love of the Christ be with you both this special day.
PS. Check with the Liquor board which wine is adviseable or use the type the Jews use during passover. We use to have Mogan David Concord Wine. I am not sure if that is Kosher or not but you can check it out. OFC
All my love
Orange fat cat
That was agood point you made, about celebrating it at home
Can anyone tell me where I can find info on how where and when the early christians did this
That's great, Shane.
We are having Seder Supper/Lord's Supper Sunday evening at my church. I have some Kosher wine and either will bake or buy some unleavened Jewish bread so some exJW's and I can celebrate the Lord's Supper on Nisan 14 which begins after sundown on April 23, 2005.
Too bad the JW's celebrated their annual ritual of denying Christ on Adar 14 this year instead of Nisan 14 as they say they do.
Hi Annie what a nice name,
Thank you. You wouldn't believe how much I detested it all through school! Kids sure have a way of messing up a name.
When I was in grade school my best friend was Jewish, and many a Friday night I was invited to dinner and I remember her Father saying the prayer in Hebrew, and the candles and wine. I even attended her Temple with her one morning and I was quite impressed with it all---except for the separation of the men and women.
Thanks for your reply!
Have a good evening meal guys. If I were Christian that is for sure the way I would go.
It wasn't until it was well underway that Valis, Arrowstar and I realized that we had our own little "Passover"... apparently our Emblems consisted of:
Pizza (it has Leavened bread)
It was all quite tasty. Too bad we didn't actully plan it!
Not only did you eat leavened pizza crust, but beer is made from fermented barley! Your heathens disgust me.
Er... sorry to hijack a serious thread! I should mention that I did the memorial-at-home thing the last year I was a Witness. I went to the dub memorial, then came home, read the Hillel Psalms aloud, said a prayer, and had a piece of matzoh and a glass of red wine. It actually felt very spiritual and moving, much more so than the Witness ceremony.