How can I prove to my wife the WT false prophecy quotes are real?

by The Leological One 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One


    Sorry to hear about that. It's so strange when people won't even be willing to confront anything that might contradict their beliefs in an organized religion, apparently being afraid what they find out may lead to an undestanding that there may be problems with what they've always thought was the only true organized religion.

  • ValiantBoy

    Most witnesses blindly follow the dictates of the society. ANy one who points out errors is an apostate and should be iggnored. People with an open mind do not need it "proved" as all they have to do is read it for themselves and they''' recognize it for what it is.

  • garybuss

    Why would I have to go back past the Watch Tower CD to prove them false? If a Witness will not be impressed with the dispensing with the sheep and the goats separation teaching, the generation of 1914 prophecy (Creator's promise), the loss of government neutrality with the compromise on military service, and the United Nations NGO association, and the allowing of blood products, I'd say they will never be impressed with older books and they will probably never be impressed at all.

    Most women Witnesses are social Witnesses and not scholars.They go for social reasons usually because those social needs and not being met on another level.

    All Witnesses are Witnesses in spite of the error and the problems. They are mostly aware of them. They aren't Witnesses because the Witnesses have a long history of being right. Anyone who has been a Witness for a few years has seen multiple changes. Those changes were the admission of error and the new teachings are regarded as temporary by the Witness people and subject to being changed without comment or problem.

    I think all Witnesses issues in a marriage is a marriage problem and not a religion problem. For many of us, to deal with it on a religion level is to mess or miss an opportunity.

    Is the marriage satisfying and rewarding? If it is, it's satisfying and rewarding WITH the Witness element as one of it's parts. If it's not, then THAT should be the issue. Group association may just be a symptom. Some of us found good results in consulting with a rational, objective, competent, third party.

    There's an incredibly good chance I don't have any idea what I'm talking about.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    Thanks ValiantBoy,

    Most witnesses blindly follow the dictates of the society. ANy one who points out errors is an apostate and should be iggnored. People with an open mind do not need it "proved" as all they have to do is read it for themselves and they''' recognize it for what it is.

    True; I could see wanting to be sure sources I was shown that what I believe in was wrong were definitely legit, but at the same time, it's easy to see that book publishers wouldn't be able to get away with falsely attributing quotes to the WT or with distorting the quotes, regardless of their commentaries relating to the quotes or possibly only showing partial quotes.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One


    Thanks for the reply~! I totally undestand and agree with what you said. My wife and I get along great; I'm just more concerned for her depressive states that are brought about by deep feelings of guilt over not being able to live perfectly by the WT rules as well as with her anger for things going certain ways, etc., and I feel that if I can demonstrate the WT is not actually really in the truth about a great many things that I'll be able to convince her she can have her own personal relationship with God and be a part or not be a part of any organization she chooses -- FREEDOM~! Freedom from guilt based on pleasing others with one's own outward acts and appearance and many more things... you know~!

    Thanks again~!

  • hooberus

    If you like I can provide a direct copy of any WT from 1879-1919 (official WT reprint). Also I am not an ex-JW so if the issue comes up this should not be a problem. I have some other recourses as well. PM me if you like.

  • jaffacake


    I too might take you up on that some time. Nothing works on my friend. I showed him some quotes & scans off the web which he said were fakes. He loaned me his own WT CD, and I proved the more recent stuff - post 1950 - was genuine. By this time he couldn't recall what or why he called stuff fake. He seems momentarily shocked at bits of evidence I show him, but the next day his memory has apparently been erased & he genuinely can't recall the issue.

  • Pwned
    I hope that works for you. My wife refuses to read any articles I've printed out right off the CD. She wont even look at them on the computer screen.

    IP-SEC : So I guess you "came out " to your wife then? How did that go?

    On topic: be thankful she's even reading anything, that is definitely a start, don't rush her, if she has come this far she will probably come around.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    Thanks Hooberus~! I'll definitely PM if it becomes a real need, and I totally appreciate the offer~!

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    On topic: be thankful she's even reading anything, that is definitely a start, don't rush her, if she has come this far she will probably come around.

    Thanks Pwned, and I am definitely thankful and wish the best for her as well as everyone here and their families!

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