Here is an interesting dialogue for your entertainment. Ahhh, the facinating nature of two active JWs with very different views.
JWBen (16-Mar-05)
Title: Why do you go???
I gather from some of your comments that you still go to meetings.
WHY????? do you do that????
ezekiel3 (17-Mar -05)
Title: In response
You may well ask "why do I go" to the meetings. That reason is probably the mirror-image of why you post on this site. Both are forbidden according to common sense.
My position makes me an enemy of the state I "worship" in, while you, as well, choose to directly disobey the direction of the FDS by participating in an apostate web site.
What makes us different is that you are clearly an apologist for JWs while I am bent on exposing the modern daily practice and beliefs of JWs.
What may be a bit scary is that I appear to be a faithful regular publisher with priviledges, and whom you may even know. It is my revenge for having my family and friends held hostage by a perverse and subtly crafted mind-control cult.
I, as well as most members of JWD, welcome your posts. It must be very difficult to defend your position. Your topic defending the WTS on organ-transplants was like shooting fish in a barrel. All I had to do was post the articles in full to prove my point. I often nail coffins shut simply by quoting the publications.
I encourage your response. But beware in no uncertain terms, I am a fully fledged apostate in your midst. That is the answer to your question.
JWBen (25-Mar-05)
Title: A reply to spme of your comments
I realised that I would upset some from yhe beginning that is why I posted the warning. I do not come here to try to convince apostates but to give a balancing view for those that lurk in the shadows
From visting this forum and many others overe the last 8 years, anyone that has celar thinking can easily see that the majority of those that left being a JW did so not because of pride and or not understanding what is waid.
For example the "gegeration" was not done away with in 1995 it was modified as they explored the different usages of the word generation in the Bible