To wit, messages from JWBen

by ezekiel3 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ezekiel3

    Here is an interesting dialogue for your entertainment. Ahhh, the facinating nature of two active JWs with very different views.

    JWBen (16-Mar-05)

    Title: Why do you go???

    I gather from some of your comments that you still go to meetings.
    WHY????? do you do that????

    ezekiel3 (17-Mar -05)

    Title: In response


    You may well ask "why do I go" to the meetings. That reason is probably the mirror-image of why you post on this site. Both are forbidden according to common sense.

    My position makes me an enemy of the state I "worship" in, while you, as well, choose to directly disobey the direction of the FDS by participating in an apostate web site.

    What makes us different is that you are clearly an apologist for JWs while I am bent on exposing the modern daily practice and beliefs of JWs.

    What may be a bit scary is that I appear to be a faithful regular publisher with priviledges, and whom you may even know. It is my revenge for having my family and friends held hostage by a perverse and subtly crafted mind-control cult.

    I, as well as most members of JWD, welcome your posts. It must be very difficult to defend your position. Your topic defending the WTS on organ-transplants was like shooting fish in a barrel. All I had to do was post the articles in full to prove my point. I often nail coffins shut simply by quoting the publications.

    I encourage your response. But beware in no uncertain terms, I am a fully fledged apostate in your midst. That is the answer to your question.

    JWBen (25-Mar-05)

    Title: A reply to spme of your comments

    I realised that I would upset some from yhe beginning that is why I posted the warning. I do not come here to try to convince apostates but to give a balancing view for those that lurk in the shadows

    From visting this forum and many others overe the last 8 years, anyone that has celar thinking can easily see that the majority of those that left being a JW did so not because of pride and or not understanding what is waid.

    For example the "gegeration" was not done away with in 1995 it was modified as they explored the different usages of the word generation in the Bible

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    For example the "gegeration" was not done away with in 1995 it was modified as they explored the different usages of the word generation in the Bible

    It's sad to think how many ways the WT leaders could sit and rearrange passages in ways that could support anything they desire. I could make my own religion copying and pasting bits and pieces of the scattered verses, like taking clay and forming either a pot, a vase, a cup, a rod, etc... Easy to do when things aren't left in context and with CLEAR understanding.

    That's why I don't get how JW's generally believe each and every word that's typed in the WT mags and feel they have to obey it as if it is God Himself speaking, even after the WT has been constantly changing/creating doctrines to cover for previous error-ridden ones since the beginning and likely find every meaning possible to support in a verse except for the possibly correct one(s) that would put an end to the cycle of false inspiration.

  • seattleniceguy
    What may be a bit scary is that I appear to be a faithful regular publisher with priviledges, and whom you may even know. It is my revenge for having my family and friends held hostage by a perverse and subtly crafted mind-control cult.


    ezekial3 is a man to be reckoned with. You go!


  • Mary

    JWBen is an idiot.......he assured us several weeks ago that he would post information from the Society proving that you don't get DF'd for "independent thinking"......he even emailed me to ask if I thought he should start a new post, or just reply on the one already started. I suggested he start a new post. Guess what? He never did. I emailed him over and over again and he just ignored it, because he knows full well that there's nothing to support his ridiculous claims.........yet he still keeps posting his insane ramblings, presumably because he has nothing else to do with his life.

  • jeanniebeanz
    yet he still keeps posting his insane ramblings, presumably because he has nothing else to do with his life.

    Maybe he's desperate to cling to their teachings in spite of knowing that the teachings are not defensible.

    When he finds a topic he cannot defend, he drops it and moves on to something that he believes he can defend, not bothering to admit defeat on the previous position. Like when a newspaper runs an article slamming someone and then does not bother to acknowledge error when the facts are known by printing a retraction.

    just an idea...


  • Narkissos

    Are those private messages?

    I'm very far from defending JWBen's ideas or attitudes, but I'm quite uncomfortable with the idea of private messages being posted on a public forum without the consent of their author...

  • ezekiel3

    To Nark:

    There is nothing stated in the guidelines below that restrict the privacy or publicity of messages.

    Messaging Guidelines
    To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate, please avoid:

    1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language
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    4. Breaking the law
      This includes libel, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court (comments which might affect the outcome of an approaching court case). You may post a small amount of third party material, but please help us to avoid breaching copyright by naming its author and publication. We are unable to investigate all third party material, so where possible, please provide a link instead.
    5. Spamming
      Please don't send messages to people who have indicated that they do not want to receive them.
    6. Advertising
      You can mention relevant, non-commercial websites as long as they support your comment.
    7. Impersonating or falsely claiming to represent a person or organisation.
      Please don't mislead other users by abusing our registration procedure.
    8. Sending in a language other than English.
    9. Invading people's privacy
      Please don't post private addresses or phone numbers, including your own. You may post email addresses so long as you make it clear who they belong to.

    Messages may be read if there is any suspiscion that the service is being abused. We reserve the right to delete or block messages at own discretion and without notice, which we consider to be unacceptable. If you repeatedly break these guidelines, you may be prevented from using the service.

  • Narkissos

    I didn't say it was "forbidden" -- I actually thought it might be, but I checked the posting guidelines before posting.

    My post just expresses my personal feeling.

  • Euphemism

    Not only your personal feeling, Narkissos, but also common netiquette of long standing. From RFC 1855:

    If the message was a personal message to you and you are re-posting to a group, you should ask permission first.

    The RFC contains recommendations, not rules. But they represent the long-established consensus of experienced network users and administrators. For those who don't know, RFCs are produced by the Internet Engineering Taskforce, the same group that establishes the technical protocols for running the Internet.

    I'm not saying this to pile on you, ezekiel. Ultimately, it is your judgment and discretion when to follow the rules and when to make exceptions. But in this case, it appeared to me that you may not have been familiar with what is considered standard protocol in online discussions.

  • stillajwexelder

    He can debate with me anytime about why I post here and am sill in and go even though I do not believ it anymore -in fact I will start athread on this

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