The door to door canvassing is a dual agenda activity.
One: It's purpose is to deliver the message to the householder but the messenger is not commanded to preach and is not qualified to preach. Only the anointed are commissioned to preach. Rutherford recorded phonograph records of his speeches and had the canvassers knock on the door and then pop open the phonograph and play a Rutherford record.
Many of these were insulting in nature and in content to the people who were the target market. Some Witness people were beat up. Some were tarred and feathered and run out of town. The violent reactions were solicited. Rutherford wanted the people to get in trouble so he could get the media coverage and so he could get the court cases to make more media coverage. More than a few of Rutherford's victims were school children like me.
Later the phonograph was replaced with printed literature and also huge signs with printed advertisements that we tied to ourselves when we walked the dirty streets past the bums and winos. The reason everything is printed and scripted is the total message needs to come from the remnant.
Not only is there no command for the non-anointed to preach but there is absolutely no direction I have ever seen for a female to preach whatsoever.
Non-anointed especially aren't commanded to preach since 1995 when their status of "other sheep" was removed and pushed into the imaginary future. The "other sheep" are not even selected yet, so how could they be commanded to preach?
Two: Door to door soliciting is to recruit new members into the group. Witnesses dishonestly deny this to the media and to the householders. Contrary to my personal experience, I am aware of very good success with this stagey. Every country with a Witness branch that I have looked at can be traced to one or two people soliciting for the Organization.