I really enjoyed this Farkel.
I know...I have been a major "fluff" person. Possibly cause I was tired of all those years studying useless books at the meetings!!! Reading WT and Awakes that I could barely read because they were so off the wall and a lot of the writing had NO style and then have to make them some how palitable in "our door to door work". sigh
I have read COC and ISOCF...Which helped greatly with realizing what was behind the WTBS. The Proclaimers Book just doesn't cough up the real truth about its beginnings.
Being raised in the JW religion, we take it for granted it is the truth(tm)....until something tells us we can't be blind to the red flags we have been noticing over the years...
Such as: hypocrisy...Dateline May 2002...I only saw the last 10 minutes where it exposed the pedophile problem within the WTBS...
That was a "defining moment" for me...realizing what I had invested my life in wasn't what I thought it was...They were NO different than ANY religion, in fact, possibly more harmful. (example: prove I was "spiritual I had to give up college and music scholarships!!!) My therapist claim it is the worse religion for us women.....(we never become anything then baby makers and door knockers)
I wish more JW's could read the "real history of the JW's, WTBS"....Of course we know, that the only way they will explore it, is when their "rose colored glasses" become cracked...when the red flags are glarring in their faces.