Has anyone within Bethel happened to check the Jewish calendar? Yesterday my stepdaughter was trying to figure out if she had the week off from school. So I looked up the NYC Board of Education calendar and was shocked to discover that she won't be off until April 21st - 25th. That started me wondering why her spring break was so late, and low and behold! Nisan 14 isn't until April 22, 2005! So what bozo is keeping the calendar in Bethel? And with the concentrated amount of Jewish people in NYC, it shouldn't be too hard to keep track of the date (you'd think)! Has the place gotten so screwy that can't even maintain their calendars? Anyway, here's the link -- what do you think??? http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/passover/ "Passover in 2005 will commence at sundown on Saturday evening April 23rd, 2005 and will last eight days (seven days for most Reform Jews, some Conservative Jews, and Jews in Israel), concluding on Sunday evening May 1st, 2005, or in the Hebrew calendar, from 15 Nissan 5765 to 22 Nissan 5765. For more information about the date of Passover, head on over to our Passover Date page."
Memorial Celebration -- Bethel Needs to Check Their Calendar
by kalela 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
te he he the WTS doesnt use the Jooish calender. They calc it by counting 14 days past the first observable new moon closest to the spring equinox
The first full moon after the spring equinox, is the sound that plays in my head when i read your post. I think it was that on thursday. Isn't the jewish calendar all wacked out?
JW Ben
The Modern Jewish calander is different to the Biblical Times calader.
Nisan 14 by the Bible calander was set as 14 days ofter the first sighting of the new moon by 2 witnesses. after the spring equanox That sighting marked the the first of the month. The 13 monthe that was inserted varied in its length as they waited for the spring equanox.
This business about the spring equinox is nothing more that a lot of Watchtower baloney. Determining when the Passover should begin has always been the responsibility of the Jews keeping the Law. The exact date for such a Passover was determined by visual observance of the New Moon and could vary by a day or so depending upon weather conditions. So this is not an exact science always resulting in a precise date or month.
The Passover was NEVER observed on Nisan 14 by Jews despite all the WT ramblings about it. Passover begins with Nisan 15 and is always a Sabbath. This makes it impossible for our Lord to be executed on the next afternoon as it was still a Sabbath by Law. The Watchtower does not understand Passover, the Memorial meal or most of scripture for that matter. It is a wonder how they have gotten away with such rubbish for so long. Go figure.
P.S. Ben is right about the extra month in the Jewish Calendar. Only Jews tracking the New Moon and keeping their Calendar would know when to insert it. Neither the WT nor Christianity is qualified to determine the time for Passover.
Joseph -
Puff the magic dragon sits by the sea
Placing the magazines so everyone can see
Entrapping innocent ones like you and me
Proclaiming to be truthful to all those he deceives
Puff the magic dragon sits by the sea
He's Satan's prophet known as the Watch Tower Society
Thank you for all of the information. I especially like Puff the Magic Dragon. My brother, who isn't a JW told me to calm down too, so I'm better than when I posted it originally. They just make me soooooo mad with all the "we're accurate and no one else is" crap. Anyway, thanks again. Kalela
this had bothered me too, especially since I have a Jewish calendar hanging in my kitchen (my husband is Jewish) and it clearly shows Nisan 14th as April 23rd.....
Nisan 14th as April 23rd
April 23rd is also Nisan 15 but in the evening when the Sun goes down. This is when Passover week actually starts. This is when our Lord would have consumed the Lamb that was just cooked over the fire. This is why so much confusion exists on this subject. We can talk about the same day and the events that take place that day without regard to the date change that takes place on that day. Our Lord ate the Passover as He had an entire Passover week ahead of Him available for His sacrifice.
Joseph -
yes you are correct Joseph, I think most here are confused as to what calendar the JW's were looking at when they set the memorial this year as March 24th?