The latest KM states.... Parking is free on a first come first serve basis......for district conventions...................what happened??? that was a real good scam on collecting parking fees for a parking lot that came with the rented facility????? :)
Anyone notice the new KM policy on parking at district conventions??
by researcher 17 Replies latest jw friends
They haven't had to pay for parking for some time since about 1999.
Probably due to the predicament mentioned in the newspaper article above.
km 5/01 p. 7 Announcements ***DISTRICT
CONVENTION PARKING: At all convention sites where we have secured control of the parking facilities, the spaces will be made available at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. No parking tickets will be used, but convention badge cards will serve as identification for parking. -
Neat article Blondie... how many years have we had the "donation" and the tickets that are issued after the "donation is made.[paid]? Many.
New Worldly Translation
In the UK there has always been a charge for parking as far as I'm aware. The attendants won't let you in the car parks if you don't have a valid ticket purchased beforehand. Does anyone know if the UK has changed it's policy recently too?
Purchased from the people who own the convention site or the WTS?
When they used to be allowed to use the Pacific Colloseum, everyone had to pay for parking, but it didn't go to the WT, but to the government who owns the building. Of course even though at the last DC, the elders read a letter penned by the management saying that they love it when they come, they are no longer allowed to use the facilities.
New Worldly Translation
Purchased from the people who own the convention site or the WTS?
They are purchased from the WTS. They give the different car parks numbers and you go to the one your ticket corresponds to. Apart from the tickets obviously being printed by the WTS the other clue they are the WTS invention is that Leeds Utd who own the ground only have one named car park, which is 'A'. The others are just general parking. For a soccer match Leeds Utd only charge to park in car park 'A' which is attached to the ground & the others are free. The WTS however charge to park in all car parks when it's an assembly.
OMG, I remember the donation for parking arrangement. I never realized that this was another scam to collect money and not pay fees to the rented facility.
blondie...i think you wrote that article yourself just to put the wts in a bad cannot surely be true
and the poor guy who pointed it out was disfellowshipped for his audacity and then they change the you think they ever went back and said they were sorry you were right we behaved appalingly and if they did do you think it woulda made any difference to him....tijkmo..still of the you cant make this stuff up no one would believe you class