Hi all, having just had a long shower while contemplating my navel (no further details will be revealed) I got to thinking about body hair. Since I'm at that awkward stage in life when hair on my head is reallocating itself to my nose and ears - I just wondered whether your hair recedes on any other parts of your body as you get older!?
Body Hair - Lowering the tone once again
by Qcmbr 19 Replies latest jw friends
LOL !!
I don't know the answer to your question (although all your hair does eventually begin to grey! *wink*), but this sure gave me a good laugh w/ my morning coffee.
Anytime you wish to "lower the tone", count me in!
talesin /
Recede? Sadly, that's only on the head, as far as I know. On the rest of the body, it just grows in places it never did before.
Wow I was going into this thread thinking ohh boy he is going to talk all the places he shaves and what not... Hahahaha but it was good for a laugh,
I'm afraid not... as the hair sinks into your head it starts to protrude out of every other part of your body.
*** Grabs my nose and ear hair clippers ***
I'm afraid not... as the hair sinks into your head it starts to protrude out of every other part of your body.
I sure hope this is for men only!!!
I sure hope this is for men only!!!
I believe it is... however women have to worry about an entirely different set of issues related to pull of gravity.
Talking about hair, I still don't have 1 gray hair....
Shut up jh, your making me jealous!
The pull of gravity happens right after those kids pop out!
BL.....i hear women get these chin hairs .. you go to bed.....wake up in the morning.. look in the mirror and find a 2 inch hair on your chin.....
look at older women at stop lights in their cars. .... they'll be looking in the rear view mirror with tweezers in their hands lol