I was discussing with my mother (still a JW in good standing) and we were laughing about how in every Watchtower, when they show "good christian witnesses" at someone's home or doing family activities, They always wear khakis, without fail. And whenever they show "worldly" people, they are wearing jeans. Have y'all noticed this? What do you make of it?
Watchtower Pictures
by RichieRich 19 Replies latest jw friends
Elvis Presley never wore Jeans!
Jeans are bad! I guess the WT looks like the Gap commercials!
Also, they always show JW's in shirts with collars. I remember there being a pic in a mag where a kid
being normalliving a double life, was at a rock concert. Everyone around him were punks, but here he was in his Sunday's best. Give me a break!Kwin
in a new york bethel minute
but... one thing i noticed lately, is that there are actually good looking girls in the watchtower pics. there never EVER used to be good looking people... now it seems there must be a falling away of teen boys, so they have to reach out by saying "hey stay with us! jehovah's witness girls are as hot as worldly girls... fornicate with them!"
The last convention I went to I saw all kinds of JW hotties walking around. Short dresses, low-cut tops, stripper shoes, these babes were hot. Where the hell were they when I was a teenager?
I remember when I was about 17 one girl who wore a sundress to a convention. It was modest enough, just bare shoulders and her cleavage wes pretty well hidden. It created quite the turmoil. Elders had meetings, then met with the parents and then with her and she got counseled for it. All before the Sunday session.
I used to look at the missionary school graduation pictures and look for the good looking sisters and match their names up to see who they were married to. There was an occassional good looking missionary but then I'd see her husband and wonder why she married such a geek.
I'm so superficial and shallow
"worldly" people, they are wearing jeans.
I'm always in jeans ...........yes, I noticed that RichieRich
I'm pretty sure there won't be any jeans in the NewSystem
I just noticed that in the recent Awake for April 22nd 2005 on page 16 there are two young people dressed very nicely and then on page 17 they show the guy with the hat on backwards and a drink in hand. I don't understand. They are starting to frown on alcohol a lot more heavily lately.
I missed one ministry school meeting last week and got hounded for it too.
wheres caleb?
Undercover - LOL
I'm guilty of the same thing. I think it is ok to be shallow once in a while
I just noticed that in the recent Awake for April 22nd 2005 on page 16 there are two young people dressed very nicely and then on page 17 they show the guy with the hat on backwards...
I heard a public talk recently about not bringing reproach upon Jehovah by our(JW) conduct. One segment was about dress and grooming. The brother giving the talk mentioned the wearing of the cap sideways or backwards. He actually tried to explain the difference between wearing your cap backwards for work and wearing it backwards for style. For work = okay. For style = not okay.
It's hard to believe that somebody has to stand up there and actually tell a room full of adults how to not dress, not to have dirty cars, not to have cluttered bibles and not to dogear the mags. Was this a Sunday sermon or a kindergarten class?
franklin J
the Watchtower images depend heavily on stereotypes....but in reality the world is never the "black or white" which they depict.