time travel

by tijkmo 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    if you could go back intime and change just one thing...what would it be...can be something in your life or in history that would have changed your life but something more original than being contacted by jw

    mine is i wouldnt have kissed her

  • the_classicist

    I would travel back to Ancient Rome with a tank, tons of ammunition, and some machine guns and take over the world.

  • stopthepain

    I would like to live in the wild west!
  • TheOneBuck

    Would never got involved with a JW girl. I can not imagine my life without my son, but man what a total psycho she was. I would have never been baptized or any of this junk if not for her, but so it goes you know..... Thankfully, it was not until I finished getting my first degree that I hooked up with her, or my life would be totally different I am sure.... Ughh... even at the time I knew she was bad news, but the way JW religion push youngesters to get married is just sick. I am sure a lot can relate, we had no business getting married, but I felt like I was doing something against Jehovah because I didn't want too... Sad huh... ohh well life is great now, so no sense in looking back :-).

  • coffee_black

    I would have finished college. My Dad was a prominent elder who really believed in education. I had his total support in going to college, and I didn't realize at the time that I had it made. I left to marry a jw for a few reasons...one of which was that I believed that there would be no jw who would want to marry a sister with a college education....and there was lots of pressure from my friends in the cong. for me to quit college. If I had finished, my life would have been completely different.... I wouldn't have married the jw who turned out to be a nightmare, and I wouldn't have had to spend all those years undoing the dammage and trying to make up for lost time.

    I have an awesome job, and I'm dating a wonderful mam, but it took me ages to get here.


  • Mary

    I'd get the results from the winning PowerBall lottery when it was at like $200 million, go back in time, buy the winning ticket and then invest the winnings in companies like IBM, or Yahoo when it was still penny stock.

    I'd also like to go back and beat the living shit out of Judge Booze Rutherford and Freddy Franz.

  • whyamihere

    I go back and forth through awful time periods not just of mine but in History!

    I know what mine would be and it is simple not getting baptized. It would solve my problems right now at this Moment!


  • tijkmo

    mary mary.....chill

  • IP_SEC

    I'd like to go back and shake hands with Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Rama, Enoch, Melchizedek, and Zarathrustra.

  • Popeye

    I would go back and stop Eve from eating the fruit.

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