Since the "Sunday" program of a few years ago ("Silent Witnesses") we know that many of the R&F expressed their concerns to those in leadership of the WTS. Some were so disgusted that they resigned (Disassociated) from the WTS altogether.
Some who expressed concern to elders over the way that the WTS handles the whole issue of paedophilia were told to "leave it to Jehovah" and even threatened with DF if they continued to speak about it.
Were you one of those? If so, I'd very much like to hear from you. It's for a very good reason. Can you help?
ozzie, im not sure what you mean by sunday "program" a few years ago. i think you might mean a tv program damaging to the org. if it is the one im thinking about, i know the individuals involved.
please let me know if im on the right track. mr. alw
What happened after the program was that bodies of elders "came the heavy" on individual publishers who 'dared' to question the Society's handling of those cases.
Quite a number have come forward - in fact, the Society's actions have been quite counter-productive; it's only served to drive some longtime Witnesses away from the organisation.
Anyway, it's those who I'd like to hear from.
Thanks for the greeting, Mrs Ozzie and I hope to get down to meetup with you before too long.
glad you cleared that up for me. as i mentioned we do know some individuals involved.just the other day i was speaking to a friend who asked after you as he saw your post here and asked if i knew you. i obviously couldnt give him more than i know from this site.
we will look forward to seeing you when and if you want to come down.
jw83 speaks highly of you two.
i did send you an e mail but dont know if it arrived. speak to you soon, mr alw
thanks blondie, that was the one i thought it was.
i only learnt of "theocratic warfare" since joining this site, how disgusting that these perverted men can cover up such things,military terms would say its friendly fire eh!
we missed the show on tv but back then being a good dub we probably wouldnt have watched it as we were discouraged to as it was seen as an apostate type of show. we know better now, thanks to internet.
always enjoy your comments and research, keep it up. mr.alw