Wooooww this is interesting

by crizlee 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    A pre-human civilization
    Source: THE RA MATERIAL/THE LAW OF ONE series (http://www.llresearch.org/)
    From: http://www.universal-vision.com/Articles/ET_Contact.html
    Courtesy of Universa-vision.com site

    705,000 BP -- Extensive Maldek Wars (creates Maldek soul's metaphysical-astral -- knot of fear)

    600,000 BP -- Confederation spiritual healing of Maldek population souls on inner 3D planes

    500,000 BP -- Destruction of 3D Maldek (current "asteroid belt"), soul-transfer to Earth (Bigfoot)

    Earth hosting only 2D life (mineral, plant, animal kingdoms); no native 3D human soul-groups

    Eventually, highest 2D animal groups become bi-pedal 3D homo Sapiens (become ensouled)

    B. EARLY HUMAN CIVILIZATION (75,000 - 25,000 BP)

    75,000 BP -- Final destruction of Mars civilization / atmosphere, soul-transfer into 3D Earth bodies

    Beginning of human civilization / Earth 3D evolution: 50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D

    Confederation / Yahweh aid to Martian souls (genetic cloning to sharpen senses/strengthen mind)

    Light-Quarantine intensified around Earth (re. Yahweh action) / Human life-span -- 900 years

    60,000 BP -- Orion group influence: (a) telepathic contact / (b) power-charged stone-formations in Central America/Pacific Oceana (Nazca, Easter Island; unsuccessful attempt, no negativity achieved)

    58,000 BP -- Confederation initial direct aid to early Lemurian/Mu civilization (prolonged contact)

    53,000 BP -- Lemurian civilization fully established (primitive group-mentality, spiritually advanced)

    Later destroyed by Earth tectonic-plate readjustment / flooding; survivors, Russia, North / South America (current indigenous' groups; originally from 2D Deneb star planet)

    50,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE I / No harvest of Earth 3D souls; life-span -- 700 years

    46,000 BP -- Spiritual calling from Earth Maldek souls (Bigfoot) Confederation aid (love/light)

    31,000 BP -- Atlantean civilization begins development (slow-growing, agrarian, conglomerate)

    25,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE II / No harvest; life-span 35-100 years. (pop. -- 345,000)

    S. American group (Elder Race; pop. 150; life-span 900 years.) all 4D+ harvestable yet remain in 3D human bodies (world service)

    C. LATER HUMAN CIVILIZATION (18,000 - 2,300 BP)

    18,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (crystal-powered bell-shaped craft); UFO-sightings only

    15,000 BP -- Beginning of rapid, intensified Atlantean technological development in society

    13,000 BP -- Confederation aid to Atlantis (pyramids, crystals, healing); life-span greatly reduced

    Initial usage of intelligent energy for negative polarization (cloning for genetic superiority)

    11,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (direct landings for teaching Law of One); meaning distorted

    First major Atlantean wars, approx. 40% population death, partial migration to North Africa

    10,840 BP -- Final destruction of Atlantis by nuclear/crystal-energy warfare, civilization ends

    Triple migration to safe, mountainous regions: Tibet, Peru, Turkey: root of mystery schools

    9,600 BP -- Final Earth Changes and sinking of Atlantean land-masses; direct result of warfare

    8,500 BP -- RA enters/returns to Earth inner planes, begins thought-construction of Great Pyramid

    7,500 BP -- Confederation aid to S. America: Amazon landings/teaching, pyramids/hidden cities

    6,000 BP -- Great Pyramid completed (by RA/thought, instant appearance); Ikhnaton contacted

    4,500 BP -- Additional pyramids constructed from physical, Earth - based materials

    Orion distorts previous Yahweh intervention (builds upon elite-group biases); replaces/co-opts Yahweh telepathic contact (sends negative philosophy to Hebrews); reveals itself as UFO/fiery cloud (suggest "wrathful God" philosophy).

    Confederation/Yahweh sexual/genetic intervention: strengthening Anak-group physical bodies

    3,000 BP -- Orion group leaves Earth 3D skies; Confederation completes S. America aid / contact

    Armageddon 4D "thought-war" of light continues/intensifies (reduces 3D negative influence)

    2,600 BP -- Greek calling, Confederation aid leads to + philosophy (Heraclitus, Thales, Pericles)

    2,300 BP -- Confederation aid to Egypt only (telepathic contact, love/light)

    D. MODERN TIMES (1700 - 2000 AD)

    1784 AD -- Increased influx of harvestable 3D souls and Wanderers, increased Confederation aid

    Primarily telepathic info, love/light sent; no major UFO landings or direct contact-teaching

    Positive free will philosophy (freedom, liberty, justice, democracy, human rights) developed; most teaching expresses 4D+ quality (love/compassion); Wanderers include B. Franklin, T. Jefferson

    1945 AD -- Increased Confederation UFO thought-form appearance, coincides w/ nuclear age

    Confederation aid to humans killed in Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic blasts (spirit-complex healing)

    Increased influx of Wanderers and 4D+ "double-bodied" children to assist Harvest/New Age

    2010 - 2013 AD -- Final Earth 3D-cycle Harvest: planetary Logos/surface humanity fully 4D+

    All Earth Changes complete; all electro-magnetic planetary grids readjusted; humanity 4D+ only; major influx expected of additional inter-galactic 4D+ ETs for planet-balance / support

    Slow development of telepathic group interplay, Earth acceptance into local ET Confederation

    -- A Summary of Themes: ET-Earth History --

    Cosmic Polarity: Engine of evolution; freely chosen result of veiled 3D experience; no mistakes

    Human History: Galactic drama of polarity between light and darkness, 2 players upon 2 paths

    Armageddon: On-going struggle of love vs. control; as above so below; outer vs. inner history

    Wanderers' Role: Visiting light-bringers; non-agenda world service in love and free will

    Global Strife: Result of negatively-polarized leadership atop non-polarized social masses

    The Road Ahead: Reading future from past; all players prepare for Harvest; intensified polarity

    Beyond Confusion: Finding implicit order in outer chaos; impact of free will w/ infinite choice

  • RunningMan

    That IS interesting. I haven't read anything that funny since the creation book. I especially liked this part:

    Beginning of human civilization / Earth 3D evolution: 50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D
  • the_classicist

    Sure... if you enjoy science fiction.

  • AlmostAtheist
    50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D

    Don't laugh, I've met guys that I knew were at LEAST 50% Martian...

  • Satanus

    Yes, these fictional timeline creations can be quite entertaining.


  • zman

    I'll just watch E.T. or Close Encounters, and call it good.

  • Leolaia
    Yes, these fictional timeline creations can be quite entertaining.

    Yup, my favorite is the one by Zecharia Stitchen.

  • jeanniebeanz

    LOL Thanks! Funniest read all day.


  • Brummie
    Armageddon 4D "thought-war" of light continues/intensifies (reduces 3D negative influence)

    reduces, oh I see


  • willyloman
    All Earth Changes complete; all electro-magnetic planetary grids readjusted;

    At last, something to look forward to.

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