Well I guess I will hold off killing someone!
by jula71 45 Replies latest jw friends
Well I guess I will hold off killing someone!
"if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit".
Brilliant lawyer, didn't agree with his actions at times, but brilliant lawyer.
This is the one guy who could have committed murder on live TV and got acquitted!
I read Marsia Clarks book, Without a Doubt, and based on the things she reported Cochran was your big-time, scumbag, lawyer. I know scumbag, lawyer is redundant but I like the way it sounds!
This guy was a one trick pony. If he did not have the race-card to throw down he would have been just another hack lawyer driving a used Jetta with a police scanner!
Maybe from a gulity conscience
"Don't you go dyin' on me now"
Have to agree he was a brilliant lawyer but his morals left a lot to be desired.
Reminds of George Carman who died a few years back in the UK; he was a brilliant advocate but his personal life (having read his sons biography of him) did leave a lot to be desired. Its funny how people can be so successful professionally but not pursue success in other facets of their life isnt it?
In representing the well known UK comedian Ken Dodd on charges of tax evasion he said in his closing submissions;
'accountants sometimes are great comedians but seldom do comedians make good accountants'...
That always made me laugh.
Johnny Cockrane was the epitome of why people hate lawyers. Because of him and his twisting of facts and blatent lies, O.J. Simpson got away with murdering two innocent people. I don't think too many people are going to shed any tears for this guy.
I didn't know he was so sick that he could die. The media is saying wonderful things about who he was that I didn't know either.
I only think of him as the person who helped OJ the most in getting away with murder.
I find it interesting that so many people can say nasty things about Johnny Cochran without placing the blame where it really belongs - the US legal system. In this system, the defendant's lawyer has to do everything within their power (legally) to get their client acquitted. By the way, he DID NOT lie, although he certainly put his own spin on the facts of the case. If you look at it dispassionately (which few people are able to do) the real "fault" with the OJ trial was in the prosecution's presentation of the case. But did anyone villify them? Of course not, it's much easier to go after the lawyer who "got OJ off". I read Christopher Darden's book, and he pretty much admits the prosecution totally screwed up.
At any rate, Mr. Cochran did a lot of great things, including finally getting Geronimo Pratt out of jail after 27 years in prison after a bogus frame up. True, Cochran originally lost the case, but he never gave up, and was able to prove police and prosecutorial misconduct. He also did a lot of philanthropic work, behind the scenes and with no fanfare, out of the goodness of his heart. He certainly wasn't perfect, but he was definitely more than just one case.
I hope when I die people won't pick a single event to judge my life.
In this system, the defendant's lawyer has to do everything within their power (legally) to get their client acquitted.
No, it's the responsibility of both the prosecution and the defence lawyer to make sure that justice is served---not to get your obviously guilty client off at all costs. If an innocent man is accused of a crime, than the defence lawyer should definitely do everything in his power to make sure an innocent person is not convicted. However, when the defense lawyer knows full well that his client is guilty, especially in a case like the O.J. Simpson case where his DNA was everywhere, then the defense lawyer is under no obligation to try and get a guilty man off scot free.
We certainly wouldn't think too much of a prosector that planted evidence to win a case against a man they know to be innocent would we? Same goes for a defence lawyer that pulls shit out of his hat like Cockroach did during the trial.