What is the WORST TEACHING of Jehovah's Witness religion?

by yesidid 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • love11

    They feel that they are your judge and jury. So illegal things get swept under the rug instead of calling the cops. The worst a pedophile ever got, in that religion, was just not talked to anymore. Shame on them! The scripture about not taking your brother to court and that they don't want "Jehovah's name to look bad over a few bad people" is their reasoning for keeping this hidden.

    On a lighter note- Saying that holidays are pagan! Who cares if it's pagan, so is going camping, and wearing a wedding band, and white for your wedding, and spring cleaning. Oh and I almost forgot- almost all the stories in the bible first started as pagan stories that the jews and christians just revised to fit their own version of the story. ( Noah and the flood) (a Virgin giving birth to a baby god) it goes on and on.

    Boy am I glad to be away from that mess! Their like the pharisses burdening people with all of their rules.

    ps.sorry for rambling or any misspellings, just in a talkative mood and it's late.

  • whyamihere

    That it is the "Truth"


  • fairchild

    That ordinary people like you and me don't get to eat the goodies at the memorial.

  • mamochan13

    #1 worst: That all other religions and people who are outside of JW's are unworthy and deserving of destruction. To me, that's the same thinking that leads to terrorist attacks like 9/11.

    #2 worst: disfellowshipping

  • heathen

    Looks like a gotta agree with whyamihere . LOL It's all truth and no dogma whatsoever , that's their story and they're sticking to it .................

  • prophecor

    Prayer to God is a privilege, with exclusive rights to Jehovah's Witnesses, alone!!!

  • Mamacat

    The whole "worldly" thing always bothered me. Growing up thinking that everyone is not a JW is going to die "very soon."

  • moanzy

    independant thinking is wrong

    and the FDS is God's channel-meaning we must serve their every whim as if God said it.

    and that children should be DF'd for sinning when they should be loved while they are struggling to grow up and learning to make good choices.


  • steve2

    No birthdays is easily the JWs worst teaching because if you can accept and follow that mean-spirited teaching, you're a sure sucker for every thing else the Watchtower teaches.

    The crappy reasons they give for not letting your own children have birthday parties simply exemplify the "back to front" mentality of the JWs: They make huge issues out of normal human pleasures and interests and minimise really important issues such as family connections and individual differences. Everyone gets stamped with the same bland uniformity and at the end of the day, there's no freedom for anyone to celebrate their own or other's birthdays.

  • cyborgVision

    disfellowshipping for doctrinal disagreements
    Jude 22

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