Xtra-terrestrials...what are your thoughts?

by Bas 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golf

    Hecklerboy, we haven't even touched base with Mother earth yet and we're talking about space travel? Hmmmmm.


  • Abaddon

    My lizard overlords have told me to tell you that there is NO conspiracy, the page you posted has NOT been abducted, and that those bright lights are JUST the next generation of military aircraft undergoing testing.

    Gleep gleep!

    Well, as has often been said, it is doubtful there is such a thing as ET intelligence based on the fact they make a bee-line for poor schmucks who are never believed and who always have very little if anything in the way of documenting the event to a satisfactory standard. Even those who spend their lives chasing them never get decent proof. If aliens were realy smart they'd land on the White House lawn. If they were ultra intelligent they'd land on top of the President, come to think of it...

    Damn those cwafty alien rascals!

    To me there are three possibilities;

    1/ We have not been visited by aliens.

    2/ We have been visited by aliens with STL (slower-than-light) interstellar transports. This is a bad option; if they've taken that long to come that far (and have probably left behind something similar at home), then they are coming in large numbers to stay and will probably not ask nicely. However, they might be defeatable (as their technology would be comprehensible to us), and they might have limited resources due to the 2,567 year-long nature of any supply chain, so maybe Will Smith can help out again. The various theories about alien conspiracies often says there is complicity between the aliens and various human groups.

    Just as long as if it is a choice between slavery to the lizard overlords and Will Smith singing, we go for the lizards... .

    3/ We have been visited by aliens with FTL interstellar transports. Now, this means their technology is indistinguishable from magic. They would just swat nukes like flies, resistance is futile, not even Will Smith can help us, but they might be peaceful. The only way us monkeys would see them is if they had some massive technical problem or if they wanted us to see them.

    So, either someone is doing a David Attenborough on us (... and here we see the male of the family unit claiming his rightful place at the head of the table... ), or something of a more scholarly vein. Then we get invited to join the peaceful brotherhood of stars, or similar (haven't cha read any SciFi?), at a point we can be trusted with technology capable of reducing planets to paperweights.

    Or there is the Douglas Adams option; those people who do see real UFO's are the victims of student pranksters riding out to this, like, totally nowhere solar system, and, like TOTALLY making the monkeys look stupid by dressing up in alien suits and parading down in front of them going gleep! gleep! Apparently the trick is considered funniest if it's done to someone no one would ever believe.

    ... so if we are being visited it's either research or pranksters; other explanations don't add up. I do think they'd be able to find the UN if they really wanted to make contact. And they would have plenty of time to learn monkey.

    Of course, as there is no evidence, the question of us being visited is still an if, even it it seems likely on a statistical basis that there is extraterrestrial intelligence.

    Obviously most of the conspiracy theories are laughable; normally they contradict themselves internally even if you accept the unsupported claims are true. Often they need something; human genetic material, whatever. However, the fact that you would only need to be a little bit ahead of us to make DNA from the ground up make the motives implausible. And any vastly advanced powerful civilisation could conquer Earth without conspiracies.

    Here's a great example; notice how because it is extra special info it is on https instead of http!!!; reptiles obviously can't hack SSL.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    What I'd like to get my head around is what was there before the big bang?

    I think it is important to remember that the theory of the big bang, is just that. A theory.

    Our puny human brains came up with that theory and it may be as viable as a cosmic dog doing a universal dump and we are bacteria on the surface of the poop

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Oh no - you just had to bring David Icke to the thread

    I have in my possession one of his films at the moment called "Revelations of a Mother Goddess".

    Lets just say, I find it hard to believe in shape-shifting lizards resonating from the 4th dimension. Call me naive if you will.

  • Bas

    appreciate you input Hecklerboy , In fact, whole civilisations could have become extinct before we came along.

    This actually might be more likely if interstellar travel proves impossible (it certainly seems impossible from where I'm standing).

    Anyway if we are not become capable of interstellar travel ourselves in the next millenium or so, our chances of long term survival

    might diminish considerably. (implying that colonizing another planet would increase our longterm survival prospects by spreading our bets)

    But for now, our live times and this century, I don't see us flying of to alpha-centauri colonizing a earthlike planet.

    The distances our simply to vast. Even at lightspeed it would take years to get to the nearest stars. And as you might know,

    according to Einstein's theory of reletavity it's not possible to travel at lightspeed.

    What is encouring though, is that over the last couple of years astronomers have been finding large planets (comparable to Jupiter, Saturn)

    circling stars. At this point in time however it's still impossible to find small earthlike planets because they're too small to detect.

    Detecting earthlike planets will become possible in the next decade as a sattelite called the TPF (Terrestrial Planet Finder) will be

    launched, I believe in 2007, but I'll get back to you on that.


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I've often wondered if the myth of God, angels etc came from other beings not of our physical universe. They are not the all omnipresent, omniscient like beings in the bible but a race of highly intelligent beings who maybe created our universe as an experiment or for their amusement (Like the Greek gods in a lot of respects). We think of our universe as vast and with immense energy but it's all relative. It's only large compared to our physicality and the limitations on how far we can travel. There is a vast amount of energy in the universe but it is finite. Maybe the whole universe is in a box on an alien life forms desk, like an ant farm. If these other beings exist on a totally different level of existence not comprised of atoms, elements etc like our physical universe and they can control all the physical properties of our universe it could be easy for them to keep popping in for a look at what we are doing. Just a thought.

  • cheeseman
    a race of highly intelligent beings who maybe created our universe as an experiment or for their amusement (Like the Greek gods in a lot of respects)

    I certainly feel like a bug here for the amusement of the "gods", whatever they are. This explanation of things is no more wacky than anything else i've heard. One thing though...where did these highly intelligent beings come from? Are they themselves the objects of amusement for an even higher life form?

  • Bas

    Well New Worldly, then God may have made this Alien Universe for his amusement, who knows?

    What I'd like to get my head around is what was there before the big bang?

    I think it would be reasonable to assume there was a "big Crunch" of another Universe which collapsed under it's own weight/gravity.

    The same fate might actually await our own Universe, the expansion of it is slowing as we speak.

    BTW, for those who don't know: In the early 20th century, scientists found out that pretty much all stars are moving away from us.

    The farther the star the faster they are moving away, you can see this because of Red-shift of those stars.

    The Red-shift means that the light produced by the stars is of lower frequency then expected; it becomes red.

    It's like the doppler effect: like when a ambulance passes you the frequency of their sirens becomes lower because the ambulance is

    moving away from you. Anyway when they found out that the Stars are moving apart the astronomers started calculating and they found

    that all stars must have been in the same spot about 20 billion years ago. That's when they figured that the universe is not that old and

    that it came into existence with a big bang.


  • Preston

    I think if they're (aliens) out there it would be difficult for us to even see them if they're that advanced to travel from universe to universe. Why do people usually think of aliens traveling in spaceships? I'm sure an advanced civilization could come to earth in a different way, isn't that what that "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movie proposed?

    - Preston

  • cyborgVision

    Nah, Bull$%)#
    Why is it that most of those ?abducted? have some sort of psychological problems?

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