For those that are still going to meetings----what are your local needs talk about???
KM - Local Needs
by TheListener 26 Replies latest jw friends
This local needs was some time ago but very important.....we were all on the edge of our seats as our PO went to the podium.....he start in about the plumbing then about clogged drains then got into the ladies room problem with clogged drains.(always us nasty sisters making trouble for the brothers) He informed all of us that a major clogg in our ladies room was due to flushing tampax down the toliet and it cost alot to have it I ask you is scriptually based? Where is the dignity. It can't be in the mens room where these piggy men drop a bomb in the bowl no no it is always the sister making problems.
Now our local needs last night dealt with commendation by our PO.....we have a cong. of about 60 and about 35 were there to be commend oh but wait this commendation was not for all...........this lug head actually stood up there and named names of the ones he want to personally commend and the rest of us losers had to sit there and wonder will he name me and my family of course not.................... he honored all in his little clique and left the rest of us wondering WHY THE HELL ARE WE HERE ? that was kind and loving of us to sit through this local needs especially since we weren't worthy of being named and commended..............I wonder if I put a $1000.00 check in box with my name on it I might get honorable mention next local needs.....................the end.
Then there are the 2 entertaining local needs talks given:
1) the week after someone is DF'd or DA'd (finally we find out WHY)
2) the week a marking talk is given, trying to figure out who it is about
Shania you have to be freaking kidding... I swear it is not wonder why a lot of people still in the borg are socially retarted in the real world.... Absolutley unreal. If I was in that hall I swear I would have spoken up.
The last hall I was at something similar happend and the PO named all the people who had over 20 hours of feild service and named them and then said there is no reason why we all do not have at least that a month. He went on and on about priorities yadda, yadda. So as he asked the audience how can we approve this situation people raised and gave the typical well we can evening witness, so I raised my hand I was like well the best thing we all can do is take the example Jesus set for us, I paused watched the PO nod and continued by saying not placing a burden on the congregation and accepting our work and efforts in full kowing that in Jehovahs eyes all gifts and efforts are recieved by him and that we should not have to worry what man thinks about our efforts because Jehovah is above all men. The place was silent..... I mean dead. He quickly hurried and tried to get some more comments but everyone kept their hands down just shocked.... it was truly a great moment.
Good for you Buck, I love those moments when you leave them scratching their A** , wondering did I just hear what I thought I heard.
Anyway I kid you not, that is what he did for our local needs, once again the sisters are cursed with the sin of EVE, that being a woman causing trouble with the plumbing.
PG-13 movies,what are those,or should that be left to the im.....?
Shania you have to be freaking kidding just cant make this stuff up...what on gods sweet earth do they think they are accomplishing
our last 2 local needs were on
1.. how to treat a disfellowshipped person....this was because there had been a funeral and some idiot in the cong had offered some comfort to a disfellowshipped relative...dont they know dfs dont have feelings
2.. hospitality...telling us what a great congregation we are for hospitality...poor deluded bro
i used to give most of the local neds talks in my halls...thats because although the p os hated me they couldnt take the risk of actually saying something that might stop people liking them (poor deluded bros) even though i was reasonable i still ended up offending hardliners who wanted me to browbeat the talk was on large getherings and i didnt condemn them..tsk tsk
another was on how far is too far...i remember saying that some youngsters think that doing evevything except intercourse was ok before marraige but it isnt but its ok and reccomended in marraige where some men especially seem oblivious to the idea of any foreplay when this is actually more enjoyable to women.....caused quite a buzz in the hall esp when some sisters thanked me and said they had always thought that oral sex was a no-no...i had to say that i hadnt actually said that but hey....whatever gets you thru the night...tijkmo