I learned the following: 1. Don't go looking for fights. They'll find you soon enough on their own. 2. When a fight comes your way, don't run from it. Face it head on like a man. Kick ass and take numbers.
Fighting experience?
by bebu 24 Replies latest jw friends
G Money
Dan-O's advice is sound, in my opinion.
Well fighting is bad but being a wimp or a tattler is perhaps worse. I was pretty non confrontational in jr. high and high school and would get picked on. But.. I had my limits and got in a fight about every 3 years and would beat the crap out of the other guy. It would get me respect until everyone forgot and another bully would come up and then i'd have to flex muscle. I learned to fight well and fair (i.e. don't hit a man whilst down, no kicking, etc). Unfortunately people these days do not fight fair. -
I learned to fight well and fair
I almost forgot: 3. All is fair. Fight to win.
Fighting is not just a boy thing, in high school, people left me alone because this real butch girl (2 yrs older) said she was going to beat me up after school. All day I was literally shaking, but whenever her friends came up to me and taunted me about it, I said, "Tell her I am ready." At the end of the day, she found me and said that she did not want to fight, but not to tell anyone. Of course I told all that she was afraid of me.
I did fight this other girl once because she hit me first (said I stole her boyfriend) I laid her flat out in one punch. I got suspended for 3 days, but so did she.
ANYWAYS, not to go down stupid-story-memory-lane BUT my point is this: my parents were not involved in any of this. I never told them, they didn't give a rat's ass about it, and they let me fight my own battles. As parents we think we have all the answers to our kids problems....boy does THAT create problems later on. They end up little wuzzies that can't deal with life on their own and look for someone else to 'figure it out' or 'solve it' for them. Let them work it out, (quantify-unless it is a dangerous bullying situation). Parenting is such a difficult job, trying to figure out when to come forward and when to back off...I'll never figure it out.
I see this is starting to devolve into a learn how to fight thread, and if not I will do the honors...
step one: take Muy Thai. This is like street combat kick boxing on steroids.
step two: take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This is wrestling at its best.
after about two years of this stuff then you can take Kung-fu or Karate. A decent school will start you about 4 or 5 ranks up if you follow steps 1 and 2.