w o w, Sparkplug !!! Keep writing... and sharing !!!
by Sparkplug 77 Replies latest jw friends
w o w, Sparkplug !!! Keep writing... and sharing !!!
Holy CRAP! That's absolutey amazing. Bukowski, Hemingway, Kerouac, none of those guys has anything on you. Some of the best writing I've ever,ever,ever read. Period. Also accessed some of my damn issues, but oh well!!
Keep it up, you have one hell of a gift. I am in awe.
Alright, Do ya have any more? Please? Even if it's not this story? Are ya still writing?
I will attempt it. I have been short on time. I work a 40 hour week. Three kids with extra activities..soccer, band, etc., and a what is turning into a second full time weekend job (photography). Oh and full time student and charity organization chairperson.. But everyday I think of writing and hopefully soon I will. Maybe I will take a break from here and use that time in between to put some of this crud in my head on paper.
You are so sweet to ask for more. Makes me all happy!
Look at me up at 2:30 and I have to get up for work in 3 hours. I am a bit nuts...
For fear of being a bit annoying. I am sending this BTT for FMZ. Trying to get a laugh out of him!
Wow. I missed this.
Real -- and true writing, Sparkplug. Very moving
Brother Brown would kick back in his recliner and go to sleep but if you tried to change the channel, he was immediately not asleep.
LoL! Now that sounds familiar...
whatever happened to the next chapters sparky
Nilnuf- thanks for taking the time. I know it is long and I have not gotten another spurt of inspiration so I guess to those here on the board, my past stops at 8 or 9 yrs of age. lol
did you laugh?
Yes, but there were a few times where you tricked me! I found myself chuckling, then BLAMMO! you whacked me upside the head with something very tragic.( <---the gamut)
There were a few things in there that stirred up some old memories, good and bad...I'm glad I got the chance to read your work.