Does anyone feel that their abilty 2 make money has been influenced by WT?

by theotherside 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I make a very good 'blue collar' living. But the following influenced me with no doubt;

    • The end is near - just get by till then
    • You will not have to raise children [or educate them] in this system - it will be over before you are that old
    • You don't want to waste your few remaining months or years in school - preach instead
    • Jah won't reward your 'secular' work - preach

    I walked away from the opportunity to become a commercial pilot due to that thinking - never went to college due to that thinking - later in life lost a very good job due to that thinking.

    As Blondie states some of that may be individual - but the 'truth' infected my core thinking on matters that did have a real affect on the issue of making a living. I have some resentment for that now that I have reached the age where as a professional pilot I would have been well set and ready to retire to a nice golf course in the south somewhere, and have become aware that the Watchtower org. is a fraud. But if I were still a watchtower slave I would just happily floating along I am sure.

    All in all though, life is what we make it even after we discover what we missed out on by bad decisions. So we do the best we can. Many other things in life could have had the same ill effect that are not watchtower related. Life has twists and turns. Sometimes we twist when we should have turned.


  • avishai
    Why push yourself if the end could come tomorrow? My mom and dad taught me that!

    Yup, many of us lack follow thru due to that.

  • freedom96

    I always wanted to make money, and I would never have allowed the WTS to get in my way.

    Fortunately, now I don't have to hear anything about it.

    Though I did get a few odd looks when I pulled up at the meeting in a Porsche. Not exactly a vehicle intended for field service.

  • BrendaCloutier

    What I have found out there as a woman trying to make her way in the late 70's and 80's is that women were still lower level workers. I had enough skills developed in gradeschool and highschool, and theocratic ministry school, that made a very good secretary and customer support rep. Heck, that's an awesome job for a JW woman! But I wasn't a JW anymore. The 90's were better with less gender discrimination.

    I found it difficult to bust into the computer world and the sailboat racing world (another story). But as Ginger Rogers, I was capable and willing to do everything Fred did only backwards and on highheels! And with only a sophomore HS education.

    I did things with computers, IBM PC 8088's (8086?), complete with 10 meg harddrives, and their periphrels that my corporate MIS said couldn't be done. I networked the printers with hardwiring and switches. I was a secretary. Hey, I had no education and didn't know I wasn't supposed to be able to do this.

    I found my lack of formal education allowed me to think and work outside of the box. (Although I had 3 programming and program design classes, and 2 business classes in community college).

    I finally busted into computer MIS when I got offered a novell network admin from Arthur Anderson acctg firm, and my current employer, a cpa firm, countered that offer with a raise to be their sys-admin of a unix system. I took the unix job. I learned the basics from the prior employee before she left, then I learned the more advanced from our system maintenance people. Then I took it further by developing a systems handbook complete with wiring diagram. I performed periodic hardware and systems maintenance on a regular schedule. When we had a printer problem and had to call out the printer guy (after I made sure I couldn't repair it), the guy said the printers were the cleanest he had seen since new!

    I moved on to software support and working closely with R&D as a user advocate.

    My ultimate job was when I started client training both in house and in the field at client sites. When this position was in it's infancy, I created training schedule that could be broken out into half-day modules, so the modules could be mixed and matched to the customer needs. This allowed us to certify field-trained employees, which had not been done before.

    My mom was going on-and-on over how my nephew worked for IBM and traveled all over the country working on peoples computers. I asked my mom if she knew what I did. She answered some kind of secretary? I told her I traveled all over the country teaching people how to use our software, and working on their system problems (that was VAX/VMS). She was dumfounded!

    I never made more than $40,000. I was mostly stuck in the 30's. That was due #1 to a lack of college education and #2 being a woman and having to fight for everything I did. THIS I felt was because of JWism and busting my butt to prove I wasn't a 2nd class citizen and only a woman!

    Technology has passed me by. I don't own a cellphone, we use dialup internet, and we don't have cable. We're saving money for retirement AND the 2 vacations a year we take which are far more important to us than technology.

    I can no longer work due to chronic illness. I've stopped fighting to convince other's I'm not a 2nd class citizen as it's no longer important to me. I love what I did, and I'm glad I'm not in it anymore.

  • RichieRich

    This is one of my number 1 reasons for being on my way out of the org. A young brother at our hall got a full scholarship to a very prestigous medical school (Duke) and, of course he went. He is also black- so he get minority benefits, and because his schooling is paid for- all the minority money goes right into his pocket. Before he left for school- he said "I'm not scraping rocks for god. God can scrape his own god damn rocks."

    Many of the sisters in my cong all think that he is working the system (taking the money). However- I think about all those who are on permenent disablity and yet pioneer... I'm sure we all know people like that.

  • purplesofa


    Hey, You are a good man and helped many people, including me. You know how to build computers, you built mine! You made the sacrifices at a young age for what you thought was right. You developed skills you can use now. All I can say, is with the same effort in business, the same principles, the same drive you will succeed.

    Its like being an overnight never just happens......but there is many years of hard work involved.

    You have will be returned.


  • purplesofa

    to answer your question. ability to make money was influenced by the WT. I thought I was materilistic. Because I loved my work, I thought I did not have the right outlook for being a Witness. Man, what dumbass thinking. I can't believe I bought the BS. Work is work, make the best money you can, and If you love your job......what a flows over into every area of your life. I felt so guilty for being successful......doing so much better than many brothers at the hall. I think it was intimidating and I wanted to do what they kept asking. Keeping my life simple, blah blah blah...... Only a very few people on the planet can live the life they expect. Unfortunately, their lack of tolerance for anyone loving a life other than meetings and study and service.......they are losing many talented people. It is a very distorted thinking. If there is people from the organization reading these posts.......being aggressive and sucessful with a career does not mean you are not does not mean you are materialistic........It means you are responsible.......and can make contributions.

  • Honesty
    Though I did get a few odd looks when I pulled up at the meeting in a Porsche. Not exactly a vehicle intended for field service.

    The elders never had enough guts to say anything about my '76 911S because they knew I would tell them it wasn't my fault they gave up an education so that they could work 50-60 hours a week at minmum wages when they got married and had children while I worked 20-30 hours a week and could spend time in FS because of my education. The idiots on the Governing Body really blew it for themselves with the 'pioneer instead of education' BS.

  • JT

    "This is one of my number 1 reasons for being on my way out of the org. A young brother at our hall got a full scholarship to a very prestigous medical school (Duke) and, of course he went. He is also black- so he get minority benefits, and because his schooling is paid for- all the minority money goes right into his pocket."


    life is funny, I'm black too, got offered a scholarship to UNC, in NC, i would have graduated with Micheal Jordan, instead i turned it down and went to BETHEL for $90 a month-

    now i am out and at 42 back in college, at least the black bro will be better off than i am by the time he gets to 40 and if he finds out this ain't the truth he will have lost little ground that he will need to recover from

    but hey my wife and i are now on our way- smile

  • jeanniebeanz

    Yup. Earning your degree at 40 doesn't leave a lot of earning power before retirement... In fact, at this point, employers start looking for someone younger to fill their better positions.


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