JH, what happens to me when they are done eating you?????????????
by vlove 29 Replies latest jw experiences
You do have to wonder though, jw's are known to follow the bible to a T. So why are we allowed to speak in the congregation? Its directly against the rules. But yet we are not allowed to be elders.
Speaking and teaching is different.
Silent is silent either way, though...
Well what else is there to say really...
Something about the picture of the ball gag with "hosted by Jehovahs-witness.com" across the bottom seems so naughty to me!
Main reason that I am not a JW!
lol mkr! They should provide all of us women with one of those at the door of the KH
And I agree, silent is silent.
JH, you didnt anwer my question!
I'm unable...
Well that's full of Crap! God gave me a mind and a mouth I am going to use it.
Last Sunday I called up a Sister in my Sister's Congregation she has said some pretty hateful things to her. Making my Sister cry. So I took it upon myself bitched her out for 2 minutes told her where to go and and if she ever came near my Sister again she would be very sorry because Nobody should piss me off!
Then her husband called me up said I was not Christian because I made his wife Cry. I said that I make alot of people cry it does not bother me. I told him off too. I made him speechless and I said I speak my mind and say it like it is. I had a problem with "His" wife and not "Him" however, I have a problem with him.. I said no one stands in my way tells me I can or can't do something. I said always remember this don't make me mad because you don't want any of this. Also, I have bigger balls then anyone in that Congregation.