JWs clearly don't seem to be like other "Christian" religions when it comes to their mission. A JW's mission is simply to PREACH. Taking care of the ill, doing errands for the elderly, visiting other members----these are not priorities to a Witness. Often, they are suggested. If ANYTHING gets in the way of the "ministry" or meetings----they are from the Devil.....How different from Christ Jesus!
What's The Main Concern For A Jehovah's Witness?.. How About A Christian's?
by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends
It seems to me the main concern for a Witness is what everyone else in the congregation is doing wrong. I seem to remember most conversations centering on that.
Doctrinally I'd say the main concern is perpetuating the FDS "myth". They focus ALOT on that I guess because mabey if they say it enough it will be true.
As a "Christian" now, it seems the focus is more internal for me. I feel that the doctrine of the church I attend is more about being a better person on the inside, living a better, more moral life etc...
Christianity is supposed to change people. JWs center on their own made up house rules.
I remember most of the time about "making my time" for the month...
They were never REALLY interested in finding people. Just being out there was what it's all about. Appearances.
No, in fact, I think people were much happier if they found NO ONE.
I don't miss that cringing feeling at EVERY door I knocked on just hoping that no one would answer.
And it never seemed to bother anyone that people could be in "The Truth" for 20 years or more and never convert a single soul. Thinking back thats just CRAZY! I pioneered every summer for about four years and never had a single study.... and liked it that way!
You see, the Society and the congregation doesn't care! As long as you're SEEN going out in service---even if you have produced nothing positive---you're "in the work". It's better to ride around in a service car finding no one home than help the needy.
yes... sadly, it's all about the numbers, and like you said- "appearances".
And you know they are aware people are wholesale fudging their timecards. The fact they don't council on it tells me what you said is true. What a racket.
It's so nice to volunteer for charities now.... and never count a minute.
Minimus what you said is so true. I have heard some elders say that if someone is depressed, just focus on the spirituality and the rest will fall into place. In my head I was thinking when he said it that this person has some real life issues and probably needs professional help since she has been like this for years.
Also right after the Asian earthquakes and Tsunami's this past January did we ever hear of the WTS sending down aid or brothers flying over to help in the rebuilding? If there was any relief effort from the society it was either very minimal or well hidden because all I heard was that the Branch here called some CO or DO down there to get a count of how many brothers were missing. You know what I think? Its because Indonesia is predominantly a muslim country and there are VERY few JW's there so the WTS didnt really need to be involved much. Not very christlike as you said.
If ANYTHING gets in the way of the "ministry" or meetings----they are from the Devil.....How different from Christ Jesus!....
I would say this a bit jaded... actually a lot jaded, but I agree preaching was the most important thing. In every KH I attended it was encouraged that we helped and visited those who were elderly or who were sick that were JW of course. I did take a lot of slack for helping out in the community a lot. I volunteered to help with inner city youth on the weekends. I organized special things for the homeless and this was frowned upon because I could have been using my efforts to preach. In my mind and heart the best witness I could ever do was help those in need and give back to the community. I am sure I brought more praise to Jehovah from people who came up to me and asked what "Church" I went to as I handed them their first hot meal in weeks in many cases then if I would have spent all day knocking on empty doors.
I am still a firm believer in this... the best preaching you can do is by displaying christ like attitude in your every day life, not nessacary preaching at people.