Being recently self-dissassociated, I cannot get out of my head something that happened to me more than 20 years ago. Having studied much in my youth, and being the submarine witness that I was, I married at 19 and began my "worldly coarse". I just knew it was the "truth". Struggling as newlyweds with child, I began to desire to return to the faith. I prayed one night that if the JW's would come to my house I would begin a family study. To my amazement the very next day, yes an older witness couple came to my door. I freaked. I just can't get this out of my head. Just a coincidence? Am I having withdrawl or what? Anyone else have similar experiences? Thanks. JT
Just can't get this out of my head
by jt stumbler 22 Replies latest jw experiences
lol, I gave the same prayer 11 years ago, and the Mormons showed up that afternoon. Don't get yer panties in a twist over it. If a hundred thousand people all pray for god to show them the way, some religious sign will show up for someone. We were just the unlucky victims. lol
This is something I can't get out my head:
Oh come all you slaves of Jehovah most high...
Who've given your heart to your God.
Come out to the work he's entrusted to you
Walk pathways your master has trod.
The seed that is fine... blah blah blah blah...
"Withdrawal" sounds likely.
When I was young and looking out the front door of my home at the night sky, I ask God if the JW's were the true church, and at that moment a meteor shot across the sky.
Often we see only what we want to see and interpret accordingly. None of it means anything in the bigger picture.
Rest at ease. The gods of religions are mans creations and far too tiny and finite to be responsible for the infinite expression of life and the universe.
j -
Same thing happened to me, but they came to the front door, and at the back door was a morman pamplet!
When I left the org and was still struggling with the idea of whether God exists, I prayed that he might show me the way. I almost burst out laughing when the Mormons showed up at my door a couple days later. In disbelief, I talked to them for a few minutes before confirming that, yes, they are totally wacky and could never be sent by God, unless God has a very, very strange sense of humor. (No offense to our LDS friends here.)
Seriously. When people are looking for signs, they'll find signs. Good things and bad things happen to us every day. We find a $20 bill. We lose our car keys. If you have in mind some context of "God is rewarding/punishing/leading me," you'll find all sorts of "proof" to back it up.
a few weeks back the wt was discussing angelic direction in the fs....and someone answered that when they were pioneering they were going to give up one day when something compelled them to do just one more door and a young man answered with his coat on and long story short they started a study with this guy..on one of the studies he told them that he was in his way out that night to jump off the bridge cos he was so depressed cos his girlfiend had left bro concludes angels directed him
story ends by young lad finding another girlfriend and stopping his study....never becomes a jw
sounds to me like you are maybe just second guessing yourself and your decision. grasping for that "what if" you made the wrong decision scenario.
maybe you prayed for a sign and got the jws simply because god wanted you to know that he exists and that he wants a relationship with you. maybe you want a relationship with him and the only way you've ever been able to have that before is with the jws. you can do it without them though. leaving that religion does not mean you need to leave god. in my opinion he's much more likeable when you separate him from that cult and you just use the bible.
Rest at ease. The gods of religions are mans creations and far too tiny and finite to be responsible for the infinite expression of life and the universe
Another inspiring statement by JamesThomas. If anyone is looking for the truth - then look no further - just check this man's posts!
Dear Trevor,
I would be sending you a pm, but I can only receive, but not send pm's on the Apple and browser I use, so I will post here.
First, thank you for your kind comments. However, i have no "truth" to offer anyone; at best anything I say may remind you of what you already know; and it is YOUR truth, YOUR wisdom, you are recognizing. So, I suggest placing attention on the unspeaking warm sense of truth or wisdom within you, and see what wondrous understanding and revelations can be found there.
The less attention we give to mental interpretations of life, and the more we give to silent and open meeting with life, the more Divinity(pristine reality) and beauty is discovered -- and it all flows from the center of what you really are. That, which everything really IS.
(what else would be expected from the Alfa and Omega, that which has no beginning or end?)