? Rumour has it that there are?
Are there any Masons on this forum?
by Brummie 42 Replies latest jw friends
I heard that Masons get all the sweet hookups. My sister's husband is one, and he gets all kinds of cool s**t--concert tickets, etc. I wonder why she doesn't become an Eastern Star, which is the female version of the Masons. I mean, she's working on her masters and works for a Fortune 500 accounting firm, why the hell not?
hey kaykay one of my buddies in El Paso is a mason..
hey kaykay one of my buddies in El Paso is a mason..
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Is he single? laters kaykay_mp
Why are they so secret? We only found out my uncle was quite high in the masons after his death! We grew up with him and never knew! Why the secrecy?
I like to know all the gossip so this secrecy thing will never do for me...:)
My Great-Grandfather despised them.
Ironically he had six daughters, and his seventh child was a boy - his only son - who later became a Mason (I think he's a Past Master, but I've never had the opportunity to discuss the subject with him - he lives a long way away).I'm not aware of any other member of our family that are Masons (as they are almost all JWs) and neither am I.
I was once encouraged to look into it, by a Masonic friend, but I was a JW at the time and couldn't pass the requirement for believing in an immortal soul.. I did go so far as asking talking to my wife about it (another requirement), and subsequently talked to my Father-in-law about them (his Father-in-law, my ex's Grandad, was one apparently). He'd looked into it, at the behest of his Father-in-law and found the Encyclopaedia Brittanica definition mentioned that they were ostensibly a religious organisation. At that point he stopped looking, but was ready to point me in that direction at the time.
After leaving the JWs, three years ago, I had no such inclination to join my old buddies at their games. I now believe in an immortal soul, and have no wife (or at least soon won't) needing to be agreeable to membership. I would also likely have more to lose than gain from it, however, as many of my friends are church-going Christians and are openly anti-Masonic.
I could likely hold down an extensive esoteric discussion with one, though, as I've done a reasonable amount of research on them.
Is higly unlikely that, if any Mason visits this forum, they would come forward... dontcha think?
Most Masons I know are quite open about it.
The only thing they won't discuss are the passwords and handshakes, but you can find them on the Net using Google (masonic handshake): -
I'm a Mason. I have kept it a secret for sometime, but I have been told I can come out now. My mother was a Mason and it is believe that my grandfather was a Mason but was then adopted by the McGlothins... then he took their name and was no longer Buck Mason.
Have You Seen My Mother
How does one go about becoming a mason?