I've noticed since the memorial, alot of the people on the forum have been posting alot of scriptural stuff, and not so many humorous things. Why is that?
Postpartum Memorial depression!
by KittyLiquor 29 Replies latest jw friends
It just seems that way to you, Kitty. Don't worry. We're all fine.
Well, I don't want to sound like I am against free will/speech, but it just seems more are commenting on the meetings and what is being said than the humourous side of things I have seen lately.
I think some here feel that they should not have gone, some feel that they wish they had, and all the rest are glad they didnt! LOL
i've been to busy eating 1/2 priced after easter candy to bother with posting..
leave me alone i still have 3 pounds of reeces cups left! ( at a dollar and 50 cents a bag !)
Hey, the Emu is not sharing.....violation of the Memorial rules....must partake....I just want the wine though.....lol
candid, arent you fat enough? Or is that hadenuff? LOL
Just kidding mumsy!!!!!!!!!!
Bad ButtLight!!!!!!!!! Who you calling fat??? I'm sending the Emu to kick/bite your ass!!!!
Im so scared! that girl can run faster than I can think!