I think your guts are on the menu...
... but that is an awesome April Fool, I don't know I could do that under the same circumstances.
by catchthis 21 Replies latest jw friends
I think your guts are on the menu...
... but that is an awesome April Fool, I don't know I could do that under the same circumstances.
Lots and Lots of "kissin up"!!!!! Your so in trouble.
Unless you've built up an immunity to Iocaine poison, of course.
I've spent the last few years in Australia building up an immunity to iocaine powder.
So you "clearly" wouldn't be able to choose the plate in front of you!
LOL... love people that have the same sense of humor as me
You guys are so funny-love that movie.
I don't think I'd have the nerve to send my husband an e-mail stating I wanted to convert....he would be SO MAD at me for even making a joke out of it, I think.
I wouldn`t something like that... but to each his own.
Well I called her back and she is a little better now. She said, "I didn't think that was very funny. It's a very serious issue to even joke about." But she isn't as mad as she was this morning. We're still going out to dinner and a movie so everything is cool. I'll just have to schmooze her tonight.
I think that was great!
Dude, that rules!!
To Catchthis: THAT was a RIOT. I'm still laughing. Regards, Jaypeeto1