Which Translation of the Bible would you say is most accurate?

by researcher 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • eljefe

    The NWT. It has the most accredited and scholarly translators. Absolutely no scripture was changed.

  • bennyk

    The Elberfelder-Bibel; the original from the nineteenth century, not the revision thereof.

  • seedy3

    Being the Catholics put the bible together to begin with, I would think they would be the experts on the meaning, ofcourse until the Watchtower came along, they speak directly to Jehovah so they gotta have it right

  • Honesty

    In my opinion it is the one translated by the following scholars:

    Freddie Franz

    A.D Schroeder

    Milton Henschel

    G. Gangas

    N.H. Knorr

    Because they are the only people God was using as his channel of communication to the people of earth.

    Seriously, The Holman Christian Standard Bible

  • tyydyy

    In my not-so-humble opinion



  • kes152

    Greetings researcher,

    May the GREATEST of peace be with you.

    There is, in truth, no accurate translation of the Bible that has not been influenced in some way or form by religious beliefs. The reason this is, researcher, is because when men translate words, they do so in such a way that agrees with their own understanding. Since religion carries so much power, not only now but also especially in the past, certain texts that spoke against religion would cause great turmoil in the accepted authority of the church. It is for this reason, and others, that every Bible that has been translated has in some way been influenced by the beliefs of the translators.

    Men love to be right, researcher, and because many of the scriptures (the ones actually coming from God) do not feed into the pride of men; men have a GREAT deal of trouble reading and/or accepting anything that goes contrary to their beliefs. Men love to be right, and when this feeling of theirs is "threatened," they become desperate and perhaps irrational and fight to save their pride up to and including, altering the texts themselves (Jeremiah 8:8).

    Not everything in the Bible is inspired, researcher. The Bible was put together by men who were not guided by the Spirit of God and they decided for themselves what "they" considered was inspired and what was not. All scripture is indeed inspired of God, but not all that is in the Bible are scripture. The Bible contains scripture (some altered, some unaltered), letters, personal opinions, history, testimonies (some false, others true), songs, etc.

    The only way one can truly be able to discern the spirit of truth from the spirit of error in the Bible is for one to 'grow' in spirit and to have the perceptive powers of their SPIRIT "trained" to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. The way your perceptive powers are trained is by giving up many fleshly desires and ways of thinking and rather than doing what is physically comfortable, do what is beneficial for the SPIRIT and what is best for the LIFE of the SOUL. One must cease from living for themselves and do what is best for others. Many things of the spirit are foolishness to the flesh and one of the things that people must do that is very much considered "foolish" to the flesh is to forgive others and love others regardless of whether they love you. It means the doing of good to someone KNOWING you will profit nothing from it. It also means taking the lower seat and giving up things that others do not have to give up and always watching yourself although others do not watch themselves. It requires much discipline (which is hurtful to the flesh) and much time, for no one can 'change' overnight. It means being laughed at and mocked at by others for doing the right thing even if others do not notice it. It is a hard life for the flesh, especially in the beginning, and very diffult to do. But in time the flesh DOES become somewhat acclimated and the battle will not continue to be exasperating. It is a constant watch and a constant work. Many bad things will come out of you in the beginning, and many battles of the flesh await you, yet after your persistence, your spirit will get stronger and stronger (while your flesh gets weaker and weaker) and as you "grow," things you did not originally discern in the Bible you will be able to see. You will see many false beliefs that the world, as a whole, has accepted as truth and even in the smallest of beliefs, you will see the great harm it has caused.

    Since many men will not do this, many are thus slaves to the Bible and slaves to what they believe. Men are also prone to badness and taking the 'easy, physically comfortable way out' and these very tendencies are the reason why so many are misled and cannot discern the truth from the lie in the Bible. Men like to be 'told' what to believe; they do not like to do the work themselves. Men do not like to search for answers and 'test' the things they are told, because their flesh doesn't want to. It finds it a cumbersome and grueling process and it rathers to be told the answer or use leverage and get other people to do the work for it. And in doing so, it has brought itself and others into error and confusion.

  • jeanniebeanz

    They are all equally mystifying in their own ways...


  • researcher

    Any opinion on the Philip's Transalation??

    I Believe there was an article recently, in the Dec 1, 2004 WT, about a Jason BeDuhn who commented on the NWT in a very positive light. Anyone know what the other Translations he examined???

  • jwsons

    NASB or NEB . By the way, Good News Bible of Eugene NIDA group is not bad too jwsons

  • the_classicist

    I forgot one: the Vulgate!

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