Just a quick hello. I've been lurking for ages and thought it about time I put my fo'penneth in.
I was raised a dubby but fell away when 18. Never felt it was the truth, maybe it was just me who isn't religious. Parents still in and proud of it.
Thought I was on my own until the internet. Read CoC and have just ordered "Gentile Times Reconsidered".
Have no angst against my parents - they just did the wrong things for the right reasons - it's the organization that must take responsibilty for it's destructive effect on peoples lives.
I feel almost normal amongst you lot........ :-)
Hi Guys and Gals
by The Chuckler 15 Replies latest jw friends
The Chuckler
Welcome to the forum. Glad you found the place and posted.
I feel almost normal amongst you lot........ :-)
Welcome The Chuckler (good nick there)! I love that above comment. That is exactly how I felt when I first starting reading and then participating in this forum.
May your posts be many and your problems be few!
Cathy L.
welcome.. i'm new too..
Welcome to you too swiftbreeze
welcome si and swiftbreeze
The Chuckler
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and comments. Things really move quickly here.
As one good turn deserves another..........Welcome Swiftbreeze :-)) -
welcome to both of you swiftbreeze and the chuckler!!!
Welcome ,but let me tell ya if you feel almost normal among us you need to be here longer and that will fade.
Welcome. They're arte alot of nice people here, and nice to chat with people who have something in common with us.