I have heard many urban myths associated with the Watchtower Society and its hapless adherents. I like the one where an "interested one" accepted the invitation to attend the memorial one year, and sat next to a "sister" who let the confused attendee use her bible to look up scriptures as they were presented. Afterword, the "sister" walked the man up to the Circuit Overseer, who had delivered the talk that year, and introduced the dupe-filled "study" to the CO. The CO complimented the man on his spiritual interest and asked what impelled him to come up and talk to him. The man replied; "the lady I was sitting with.....where did she go?" The CO, looking perplexed, said; "You came up to me alone...and I was wondering why there was an empty seat next to you during the meeting". The man obviously progressed in the truth and was baptized. Any other good ones to share????