I presume the JWs believe that the 'times of trouble' will be 7 years or something like that - during that time what provisions have the JW organisation made to stay up and running? Seems to me that if communications fail the local congs will be pretty much stiffed without their weekly magazine study. Does the JW org teach any form of physical preparedness or is it every publisher for themselves?.
If there is a global catastrophe how will JW structure survive?
by Qcmbr 12 Replies latest jw friends
I was told by an elders wife that this is one of the reasons why regular meeting attendance was so important, so that if any kind of disaster or trouble the elders would be able to give us our instruction (eg. where the next meeting would be )
It won't!
The bOrg collective will disintegrate...
I always figured we would have met in huts or something like they do in other countries. I guess it would depend on the type of catastrophe. I think the responsibility would revert to the Book Study conductors to set things up with his group.
I remember being told this is the reason all dubs are strongly encouraged to go to the congregation in whose territory they live. I guess that would make it easier to walk to a new meeting place. -
The "Mountain of Jehovah" where ever that is, will open up and only tose that were out in service that day will get to go in.
I presume the JWs believe that the 'times of trouble' will be 7 years or something like that
Oh lord that's the number my brainwashed Pentecostal nephew talks about *BARF*
JW's don't have detailed instructions as to what to do when the tribulation begins. One of the "signs" they are looking for is for that will let them know that "it's on" is a worldwide destruction of all religious institutions ("Babylon the Great") at the hands of the United Nations (the "Wild Beast") and this will be the clear sign to them to take shelter at the Kingdom Hall.
In another example of wacky WT interpretation of the "Signs of the End", the Watchtower used to teach that the "skies being darkened" that Jesus spoke of meant satellites and airplanes(!) Then they got new light about this after Fred Franz died, and started teaching that it meant that their would be violent storms, etc.
Well, Qcmbr, it's like this: the so-called "Governing Body" and all their minions will be in heaven and the poor old R&F will have to clean up the mess!
presume the JWs believe that the 'times of trouble' will be 7 years or something like that - during that time what provisions have the JW organisation made to stay up and running?
I agree with Dan on that, that is not a WTS teaching. The WTS does not teach the rank and file to accumulate food or supplies. The Mormons do and some other Protestant evangelical religions. They are supposed to trust in God, you know. I do know that Bethel does store things and at one time bought property away from NYC in anticipation of the end in the 1940's. They eventually used that property for the Gilead School.
No JWs are not storing up water and food in anticipation of the end. I have heard of JWs hiding WT publications in secret places in anticipation of persecution.
Nah, Blondie, they're hiding them so's they can't read them!
The way that the congregation is organized with the component of Book Study groups actually is better suited for survival in a disaster situation that more centrally controlled "mainstream" religions. The small bookstudy groups are much like cells in other groups, such as Al-Queda. Given a disaster situation, they can function fairly independently from the central body. Of course, the danger with this (to JW's) would be that the bookstudy leaders, many who have little power trips going on already, would hold alot of sway over those in their cell. They could easily deviate from "mainstream JW doctrine" as long as they could use scriptures to justify what they are doing. After all, who would know any different if communications with the GB are down?
Just some rambling thoughts.