Gave 586/587 evidence to elder today

by SeymourButts 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mamacat

    Thanks CF, that is what I was trying to do. I should be in bed instead of trying to post.

    I had a similar discussion with my mom about the dates at one time, and that was the article she sent me. I was just letting you see they have a "prepared" article to cover up their bad math and lies, so you could be prepared too.

  • SeymourButts


    I am just not a typist....type with 1 finger from each hand. For me to type a complete response would take all night. I am better at direct confrontation. I have every bit of info needed to refute this....I just can't type.

  • Heatmiser

    I hope you get some good results Seymour.

    Ianone, quit your spamming, that has nothing to do with this thread.

  • coffee_black

    That's a great approach! Keeping it to one topic... and then giving him the time to digest it. I think most of us have been guilty of trying to give way too much information at one time.... puts them in overload mode.

    Great job! Keep us posted!


  • IP_SEC

    Hey Seemoor,

    What was it about this elder that prompted you to talk to him? What qualities, or um personallity traits did he have that let you know he might be open?


  • Honesty
    I changed the mood then with a return to the discussion of current events. I left a short time later and the last thing Mr. elder said was "I WILL be looking into this."

    Better not let any of us 'postates know who he is..... we'll be starting de-programming studies with him if you do. Looks like you have found an honest elder and hopefully when he learns the whole truth about the troof he will make a quick exit from the cult. The only elder I mentioned the 586/587 date with asked me the loyalty question (You do believe the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Faithful Discreet Slave don't you?) instead of trying to consider the facts.


  • scholar

    Seymour Butts

    WT scholars accept 539 as a pivotal date derived from astrnomical sources but this does not mean that 587 or 586 must be accepted. Using a different methodology namely'exilic', 607 is proven to be the correct date rather than the controversial 586, 587 or 588 for the Fall.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Way to go, Seymour!


  • SeymourButts
    What was it about this elder that prompted you to talk to him? What qualities, or um personallity traits did he have that let you know he might be open?

    They just don't seem to be as happy as they used to be. In the old days, there used to be cong. picnics all of the time. Every weekend during the summers there would be a barbeque at someones house. Everyone would be there. There really did used to be some good times. Winters would be big bonfires and sled riding parties. The entire cong. would be and inactive.

    Now, nothing. I haven't heard talk of a get-together in years. Every family I know has at least one person da'd or df'd. They are losing hope. I can see it in their eyes. It's sad, but also encouraging.

    I thinks it's finally time for me to step in. Slow and gradual. I'm kind of getting this feeling that they know something is not quite right. They just can't put two and two together.

  • avishai

    Ianone, please read the posting guidelines again

    5. Spamming

    10. Posting an off-topic comment

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