A lot of this depends on local elders and the current CO. Some bodies truly understand the need for upbuilding association and go out of their way to provide it. That actually makes it harder to fade because now you're now just missing meetings and service you are also missing wholesome association.
I've noticed that get togethers still happen but they seem to be smaller in size and less in frequency. Even in places where the elder body encourages get togethers some don't go because they're worn out from all the theocratic activity during the week plus their secular responsibilities. I've known very faithful dubs who attend very few social activities due to this. I've seen them get even more tired and worn out because now they're keeping up with all the busy work they are supposed to but not getting to enjoy the social aspect of the truth.
Clearly from the various comments there has been some attitude change (for whatever reason) since around the mid-1980s. Perhaps I'll reveiw the literature from 1983 up to see if there is some subtle shift in thinking. That is besides the article stating that congregation gatherings were a no no.
You can eat outside during the conventions. They just don't want anyone going to a local food court or hotdog vendor to purchase food. They would like everyone to stayo on the convention grounds to associate during lunch. I'm sure some super-dubs might see that as inside only, but that isn't how the majority see it.