i just recently join this site because i was looking for a friendly place for witnesses to go and chat.it's ok!..but i seen a lot of witness bashing.there's another site i want to get into, that's also a site for the witnesses.but i don't know what PO means.and that's the only way a true witness can get in.i think maybe there is where i want to be.because i don't need to be in a site for witnesses,where its suppose to be friendly.yet witness haters are coming in.i haven't heard any witness bashing anyone in this site..but yet its the other way around.
i thought this site suppose to be kind to one another!
by sad and lonely 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hi sad & lonely, true this site is mainly comprised of ex-jehovah's witnesses. I think I told you about it in a past post in case you didn't know what this site was for.
PO is Presiding Overseer. -
This site has people from all walks of life. Witnesses, non witnesses, disfellowshipped, disassociated, etc. It is an open discussion of all things JW, including problems within the witness religion.
PO= Presiding Overseer- which is a position of oversight in the congregation.
Sad and Lonely
I have read your biography and looked through your posts. You seem like a nice person who is looking for other nice people. You will find them here but many have been badly treated by Jehovah?s Witnesses and are feeling sore.
You may want to ask the same questions about the Jehovah?s Witnesses who shun and criticise people who will not agree with their changing definition of ?the truth.? Can you honestly say that Jehovah?s Witnesses are always kind to other people? Is the Watchtower Societies remarks about other sincere people in other churches kind? You see we have been set a very bad example by them.
The Leological One
As a person who's never been a JW but married to a DF'd one, I can tell you her perspective seemed to be that JW's or at least the WT was getting bashed on here badly, but from my somewhat neutral perspective (at least initially neutral~), I explained that a lot of people here have been badly hurt by the actions of the WT, i.e. DF'd and unable to talk to parents, siblings, children, etc., and many are upset at how they've been misled ranging from months to 50 or more years, losing a lot of their life via compromising and not getting a better education, not interacting with other people that may've been really good friends, many being hurt by an apparent lack of love they've experienced at KH's, etc...
Anyway, to me, most of the bitterness seems directed at the organization rather than the people, though I've seen enough times where people feel current JW's are duped or even possibly stupid for not letting themselves look at material, even older WT mag's, that would dethrone the WT as being the sole "Truth."
I feel for current JW's...at least the ones going through problems and being too controlled to really do anything about it plus having to put on a fake front and seem perfect no matter what types of problems they have, i.e. mental/emotional/physical disabilities (at least with a good number of halls). To those that are truly happy with their current JW status, I don't feel the need to knock them, but I can understand refuting their points that come up periodically and have done so myself, as a Christian who doesn't hate the WT but definitely feels the WT is arrogant and seriously in error when calling themselves the truth and having their people act smugly about it when the WT being the sole servant, ect. is so easily refuted via a number of ways, via the Bible itself, the WT's own predictions/prophecies, changing policies, etc...
Anyway, peace to you and any current or ex-Jehovah's Witness; I have no problems personally with JW's at all and thought I noticed a number of seemingly cool ones at the local hall on the 3 visits I've had, though I totally felt strange about their ritualitically passing the emblems by untouched, doctrinal issues, etc...
Hi Sad and Lonely.
I never was a JW and never studied to be one. At the request of my JW friend, I attended one meeting at the Kingdom Hall. It was a book study. At the book study, all non-witnesses were bashed.
Devon M,,,,,,,,excellent , and so true.
S&L, greetings and welcome. Hang in there. Life is full of bumps and grinds, ignore the ones not to your liking, no harm done. Give 'time' a chance to do its' thing.
Golf -
This board is considered an "Apostate" website. I personally don't have a problem with current JW's, now their beliefs is another story.I try to be considerate of others on this board, sometimes you just run into some truly rude people, that doesn't mean we are all like that. However if you post defending the WBTS you will be bashed, that's for sure, there are many hurt souls out there, thanks to the WBTS.
S&L just wanted to add that JWD is probably the most tolerant and healing ex-JW board out there in my opinion. Welcome to the forum.