why are there people in here bashing the witnesses?
why are there
by sad and lonely 12 Replies latest jw friends
because it's an ex-witness site.
PS-this section is for tech stuff. -
You have to understand many here are exjws that have been deeply hurt by the religion that they so believed in at one time. Some here have been molested by jw family and friends and their crys have fallen on deaf ears or because they no longer believe in the jws teachings they are shunned by their family and jw friends.Many here are deeply hurt and come here to vent and help each other in the healing.
Why do jehovah's witnesses call catholics and other religions babylon the great? Why do they say that all humanity will be distroyed except for one small group (jw's) of people in the world? Why does the us government put child molesters in prison when "god's" organization only makes those men lose their positions in the congregation? Why do the jw's eat pork and rare bloody steaks yet will let a child die before they get life saving blood? Why do jw's think that they are the only ones that have the truth and everyone else worships the devil? Why? Why?
Because they bashed us first.
I don't see alot of "Witness" bashing. Witnesses are just people, and they are a mostly likable lot, as are most people.
I do see alot of talk about the errors and hypocrisy of the Watchtower. But even then, there's little "bashing". It's more a discussion of their disengenuous quoting of sources to make it appear they agree with the Watchtower when they don't, using a single scripture out of context to base an entire dogma on, using their great levels of control over their followers to break apart families, that sort of thing.
Is that "bashing"? If I hit my neighbor with a rock, and somebody says, "Dave hit a guy with a rock!" is that bashing me? Or pointing out that I'm a dangerous person that should be avoided?
i thought we were here just to bash republicans?
the same reason there are those defending them (though the righteous ones are outnumbered, lol).
because it is an open forum of jw and former jw
i thought we were here just to bash republicans?
LOL. Bash gently today, Pleasuredome. My arthritis is bothering me too much to put up much of a fight. You'll have to catch me on a better day... Sad, Many people here have been hurt badly by the witnesses, myself included, and those strong feelings come out. It's not bashing for bashings sake, but a pointing out of the errors and hardlined prejudices that we faced at the hands of the witness leadership that takes a beating. I'm not sure of your status as a witness or not. However, when I first started to hear the negative things that the witness leadership had done to people 11 years ago, my shields went up and I became angry thinking that the stories were just evil apostate lies. It took me some time to realize that the witnesses painted all people who left them, and had ligitimate reasons for doing so, as apostate whether or not they are, in order to keep the witnesses in fear of them. This was obviously done to keep active witnesses from learning the truth about the witness leadership and its role in hurting people and families. We're just real people who have realized that the witnesses are not being told the truth about the origins, workings and dealings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and have chosen to leave it. It takes time for a painful reality to absorb. If you stick around, you will learn that there is a difference between bashing and revealing the facts. At some point, you may even understand. Jeannie
I love how JW's feel they have the market on "bashing".
Read any WT publication... it's all BASHING!
They aren't used to an opponent taking the gloves off and socking them in the eye... THAT'S NOT FAIR.
Welcome to freedom of speech... a "right" the Dubs have no problem letting other people die to protect but feel is exclusively for them- WRONG!
"Be afraid of stupid people in large groups"