Ok, it?s taken me longer to get my thoughts together on this than I expected, but here is the reason that I have come to have doubts in the divine nature of the Bible; its failure to show that the God it describes is abiding by "His" own standards.
For example, according to 2 Peter 1:20, the entire Bible is inspired of God. The main attributes of "God" are that "He" is love (1 John 4:8), "He" is just (Deuteronomy 32:4), and "He" has all of the power (Revelation 7:12).
With that in mind, my first problem with the Bibles authenticity is that this ?loving God? has;
Murdered the entire world of men at one point in history by drowning them
Punished billions of people because "His" first human son ate a piece of fruit
Ordered "His" people to butcher the entire inhabitants (save a very few) of Canaan
And wrought havoc and destruction whenever anyone crossed "Him" in spite of creating man with free will.
Number two, that God is just. For millennia mankind has tried to figure out what "His" word has instructed us to do in order to please "His" well. Great atrocities have been committed in "His" name when a few zealots who claim to have figured out what "He" wants of us have forced their interpretation on the many. I look at the massacres of the Arab peoples in the middle age crusades, which were fought at the behest of ?the church?. Look also at the role of "Gods followers" in the brutally enforced conversions of the Native American peoples. More recently, I look at the role that "the church" played in ignoring the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Jews not only in Germany but also in Poland and Russia as well as in other countries. These were all countries where "the church" had a lot of power and could have made a big difference by actively speaking out against what was going on. No thinking person could say that a just God who was full of love and had the power to make a difference would stand by and do nothing. The just thing to do is to clearly spell out what you want from your children in the beginning so that these religious zealots cannot come along and claim to be a sole channel of understanding because everyone would understand for themselves and not be led astray.
Number three is the all-powerful nature of the God of the Bible. Being all-powerful, God would have had the power to put things right in the garden right off the bat. If "He" were all-powerful "He" would have done so. The fact that "He" didn?t says to me that the Bible is lying about "His" ability to handle problems that come up, or that the original creation was flawed from the get-go. If the original creation was flawed then it is unspeakably unjust to punish the creation for the mistake of the Creator.
These are the thoughts that are emerging as I read the Bible and frankly, they disturb me. This is my first real attempt at reading the Bible itself and having it stand alone without the bible study aids and I am pretty demoralized.
What are your thoughts?