Should mentally challenged be baptize as JW's

by spike 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Logical says:

    Fred Hall was baptised so there's obviously nothing stopping the mentally challenged getting dunked.


    See- You ain't NO GOOD



  • blondie

    Willy_think and Patriot had some good points.

    I have a developmentally disabled all depends on the degree of retardation, IMO. But why not see what the "Society" says:

    *** w76 9/15 576 Questions from Readers ***
    Should parents of retarded children feel that baptism is in all cases a requirement for children to be viewed by God as worthy of his protection in times of judgment, as in the foretold “great tribulation”? The degree of retardation is clearly a determining factor, since some of such children remain with the mentality of a four- or five-year-old even when fully grown. The child may be able to grasp certain basic teachings of God’s Word and repeat these when asked. He (or she) may be obedient to the parents and abstain from doing certain things that have been pointed out as wrong and contrary to God’s will. But is the child able to make personal decisions, able to decide from his own mind and heart (not that of the parents) the course in life he wishes to take? Is he capable of comprehending and seeking a personal relationship with God, one that is not dependent upon his parents? Is he able to stand before a judicial body, accountable for any wrongdoing he may commit?

    If not, then such child is evidently not in position to be baptized but would continue under family merit in God‘s eyes, counted by him as “holy” in that sense.

    If you are the guardian, you legally have the right to determine if they are capable of this kind of decision. No one else.

  • alamb

    A funny story:
    We had a mentally challenged young man study with our local PO. He was soon baptized and even made a regular pioneer. A week or so later he knocked on my family's door.............
    as a mormon missionary. Talk about leading a double life. He was doing both simultaneously. Gotta' give him credit for trying. Pioneering alone burned me out.

  • Preston

    alamb, that is one of the strangest stories I have heard from the congregation. Wow! Even my congrgation wasn't that interesting.

  • Frenchy
    Fred Hall was baptised so there's obviously nothing stopping the mentally challenged getting dunked.

    And someone once said that logical had not sense of humor!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • crossroads


  • SlayerLayer

    Was your son raised by these witness relatives? Why doesn't he live with you? If I wanted my son to be raised with my beliefs, then I would raise him myself. Especialy if he had a mental handicap. Just my opinion.

    SlayerLayer---God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the snowy mountains and I had to eat him.

  • NotBlind

    In the area I live, it seems that the ONLY people getting baptised are those who are mentally challenged. Those with more thinking ability don't want anything to do with JW's in most cases.

    By the way, I always thought being mentally challenged a PREREQUISITE for being a JW!

  • buffalosrfree

    Should mentally challenged by baptized? That is a question that should be answered by Fred Hall, Yadirf, You know, God Rules, and a few others as they seem to be mentally challenged by facts about thier apostate religion. Sorry if this hurts anyone don't intend it to mentally challenged should not be baptized due to fact of having to put up with all the horse manure from the Kingdom hall, the brotherless and sisterless and the true lack of love evident at any and all meetings. Let someone other than Elder or ms, Pioneer etc need something and they will wilt on the ole vine so to speak, dont let this happen to the mentally challenged. Let it happen to you know, friday, fred and others of that sort. Buff

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